My theory of defining the division by zero

mad max 6 said:
1 divided by 0 is 1
if your not dividing it by anything, then your not dividing it. so its still 1
It does seem to be logical, doesn't it? Hahaha. Man you really made me laugh.

If I didn't know math well enough, I'd say "that's completely true. Math is just crazy. It violates common sense."

Logical steps:

I don't want to devide this number.
Therefore, I don't devide it by anything. Meaning, I am deviding it by nothing. (In language, there is no diffrence between the two sentences, is there?)
Nothing = zero.
Thorn of Death said:
You are welcome to answer me, but do not give answers that would start an arguement please.
the only thing i can do is tell you to look at the reasons i've given in the last few posts of this thread, i don't think i can explain it more simply than that, if you honestly can't see why your conjecture doesn't work when you get back to college go find one of the maths professors and ask them to explain why you need to define a value of 1/0 if you want to have a number circle
In the stacking plates example, no matter how many plates you stack, you'll never reach an undefined value, because we're not using devision.

And what's wrong with saying: the result of 1/0 is undefined?

If there's nothing wrong with it, then it's exactly what I meant to say: "we get the same undefined result."
Meaning that we don't get a defined result. I can't see anything wrong with that.
it doesn't work because:
undefined result
you cannot have a result if you aren't defining it, undefined simply means there is no result...

sure the pictures look like a circle if you look at them from above but that means absolutely nothing in mathematic terms, but like i say, i can't think of a simpler way to say it, so find a mathematics lecturer and present your conjecture to them, and ask them why it doesn't work, i'm sure they'll be more than happy to explain it