My Theory on the beginning

Evil Beaver

Oct 10, 2003
Reaction score
OK, so you're taken in for Combine interrogation, but how the hell do you get out of there? Since we all see Barney in the so-called "combine suit" then, I think the Combine who leads you into the interrogation room may be him. That would be DAMN cool. He could supply you with a weapon and info. Just seems fairly logical.
Well, I'm not sure about that logic - no offense. I'm sure all that siding with the BMRF folk happens later. No idea what happens in that room - looks scary though. Although I can see them knocking you out, strapping you in and you waking up with the G-Man standing there.
"Rise and shine, Mr. Freeman.."
Well, they don't say exactly where you meet up with them. Maybe Barney tells you where to find the BMRF employees. Another thing, the apartment building when they say "Psst, in here". I think the Combine may be looking for you (if my initial theory is correct) and Barney led you there.
There's another Combine in the room; you can barely see him to your left as you step through the threshold. Not exactly the best time for Barney to reveal himself, I'd think.

Dog is too big to disguise as a combine...


not a big one tough...
So where the hell is barney? I can't find him... Is Barney that combine guy to the left in the room?
I think, it would be hard for Eli to diguise as Combine. Just look at his leg in the E³ Video.
So Alyx get the point ;)
Evil Beaver said:
OK, so you're taken in for Combine interrogation, but how the hell do you get out of there? Since we all see Barney in the so-called "combine suit" then, I think the Combine who leads you into the interrogation room may be him. That would be DAMN cool. He could supply you with a weapon and info. Just seems fairly logical.

Only people who have been in the two other threads where this occurred should read this:

That's a spoiler from the beta. About the fourth time it's been posted.
Really? Damn, I'm good. I've never downloaded the beta, or seen those threads, just a logical progression that came up after viewing a thread that said Barney wears a combine uniform. I put this in tags to keep those who didn't spoil it for themselves from confirming my suspicions.
A. You're incredibly perceptive (And I'm not saying this isn't the case; I'm just naturally suspicious after the exact same thing, sourced from the beta, was posted about three times on here),
B. You saw a spoiler post somewhere else and decided to turn it into a thread, or
C. You've played the beta.

I don't think that anyone can really point to any particular one with any certainty.
Spoilers show up when you get e-mail notification so even if you don't want to, you can still read it. How very annoying.
I now know far too much about the beginning and I'd rather not.
my question is what will hapen when they start to interrogate you?
you must do something to resist the torture?
or you just stay quiet and something hapen?
(that will be boring, also I cant read the spoilers)
el Chi said:
Spoilers show up when you get e-mail notification so even if you don't want to, you can still read it. How very annoying.
I now know far too much about the beginning and I'd rather not.

You should probably point that out to the admins, el Chi.
I can read the spoilers now
cool idea about thr expoilers
SMT said:
There's another Combine in the room; you can barely see him to your left as you step through the threshold. Not exactly the best time for Barney to reveal himself, I'd think.

All the reason to make the scene more dramatic by having Barney knock the Combine out before revealing his identity to you.
Geez, Valve should release the game before we eventually guess the whole storyline. :)