My uncle just hit my cousin

Well, I talked to her sister and apparently she is "ok". I don't know if she has marks or bruises as I havn't seen her yet. The alarm they have is a motion sensor, wich to be honets is pure BS, because when ever it goes off, they shut it down thinking a kid accidentally triped the sensors. I'll check on her later on . Has any of you been hurt by an adult ? My dad used to hit me but just for punishment and it was only minor slaps no punches or anything like that, just dicipline.
Adrien C said:
Well, I talked to her sister and apparently she is "ok". I don't know if she has marks or bruises as I havn't seen her yet. The alarm they have is a motion sensor, wich to be honets is pure BS, because when ever it goes off, they shut it down thinking a kid accidentally triped the sensors. I'll check on her later on . Has any of you been hurt by an adult ? My dad used to hit me but just for punishment and it was only minor slaps no punches or anything like that, just dicipline.
Motion-sensor alarms wtf? So it's basically house arrest for kids?

And that's terrible your father slapped you even if it was for discipline. There are other ways of handling situations without physical abuse.
Adrien C said:
Well, I talked to her sister and apparently she is "ok". I don't know if she has marks or bruises as I havn't seen her yet. The alarm they have is a motion sensor, wich to be honets is pure BS, because when ever it goes off, they shut it down thinking a kid accidentally triped the sensors. I'll check on her later on . Has any of you been hurt by an adult ? My dad used to hit me but just for punishment and it was only minor slaps no punches or anything like that, just dicipline.

You still hold continuing the discussion on the subject in higher priority than doing something..?
ok, being hit is **** all tell ya the truth, ive been hit many times while growing up, shit happens, but if its hapening to a female, well thats just plain wrong... and if he hits ur auntie too? u best off reporting him, he must have sort of problem
Don't post again until you've done something about it, please.
Aight, I took some red bull and some balls and talked to the guy. I told him if he ever hited them again, even if I'm not in the same country, I would make sure I or someone else would call the cops and press charges. He then went barsek and told me no one give him orders in his house and that I should pack up my things and leave. I sayed what ever and went to my room, my aunt made sure to calm him down. :)
Adrien C said:
Aight, I took some red bull and some balls and talked to the guy. I told him if he ever hited them again, even if I'm not in the same country, I would make sure I or someone else would call the cops and press charges. He then went barsek and told me no one give him orders in his house and that I should pack up my things and leave. I sayed what ever and went to my room, my aunt made sure to calm him down. :)
Good call man. Next time def call the cops, even if it's minor. One warning is more than enough.
Adrien C said:
Aight, I took some red bull and some balls and talked to the guy. I told him if he ever hited them again, even if I'm not in the same country, I would make sure I or someone else would call the cops and press charges. He then went barsek and told me no one give him orders in his house and that I should pack up my things and leave. I sayed what ever and went to my room, my aunt made sure to calm him down. :)

"Now that I've pissed him off suitably, I'll leave him, still enraged, in the capable hands of my aunt, who he hits."

Notice a slight problem?
Why are you living with these people and not your mother and/or father, or am I getting to personal?
Take a shotgun, put it under his chin and then tell him to lick your nose and try to guess what he ate for dinner.