my untiltled theory for hl2 ch 1


Oct 5, 2003
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sup guys i hope u like it, its not really what i think the storyline to hl2 is but it would be funny if it was. I have many more chapters but if u guys feel that it is boring or somthing i wont post them.

Chapter 1 a look into the future

The street lights projected an orange oval that flickered every few moments. As I walked I couldn’t help feeling that I had somehow failed them. It had started to snow now and the only warmth I had was the barrel of my m4. It usually never snowed around here, but when it did it was the most depressing thing I’ve ever felt. It was never like the front of a postcard, with log cabins covered in sparkling white snow. The bright comforting orange glow illuminating the flat bed of snow outside as if people still used fireplaces and candles for warmth and light. I wonder how many people had to use the barrel of their rifle to warm their hands.
I hated this; I hated the whole god damn world. But I couldn’t change a thing. My men and theirs lay dead all around me, I was scavenging for ammo. It was a needed task that everyone dreaded doing in fear of seeing a friend or loved one. I had no need to fear something that I knew couldn’t happen. Everyone I had known was long dead. I had grown accustomed to new friends coming and going, after a while I just started to treat everyone like it was their last day alive. For too many this was the case. My only reason for living now as I could see it was to avenge them.

The Kennys had been waiting with the dead bodies; they were trained well and had good recon. I had to hand that to ‘em. They were good. Anyway they weren’t moving and lying with the rest of the bodies I couldn’t tell the difference until one of em took a cheap shot from where he was laying down. I could tell I was hit immediately; they used to say that you wouldn’t know if you got shot, you could just be walking with your platoon one second and then bargaining with the devil the next. Like I was saying it was those damn 943’s they used. 9.43cal rounds, 600 rounds per minute, Stock 2x scope/laser sight. 40 or 60 round clips. About 8 lbs empty. It was a beast.
The shot went straight across my shoulder. It hurt like a bitch but it just nicked it. I dropped from where I was and without too much noise I crawled up behind a car and sat for a moment evaluating the wound. I heard the bastards’ radio calls, “Is the subject down?” It seemed to be the question everyone wanted to know.
Well no, I wasn’t down, but I’d like them to think I was. I had one frag and one HE grenade. I was already on my last clip with the m4 anyway and 3 fresh clips for my desert eagle….god I love that gun. I crouched, my back to the passenger seat door of what seemed like a Ford station wagon. The car must have been used by someone making a barricade because it was taking up half of the street. It was stupid, and I couldn’t help feeling that way. A 9.43 round would pierce the ford like butter.
I unlatched the HE from my belt, pulled the pin and tossed it over my head. The radio communication stopped for a moment and all I heard was, “…what in the h…..”
The resulting explosion flung a body, whether it was dead or alive I will never know, into my car. I stood up and emptied the clip, which was a disappointingly short burst into the crowd of bodies. The 5.56 NATO rounds I used rarely pierced their armor with the first few shots but after about 4 or 5 the vests usually loosened up enough to get one through. They must have heard the click of my bolt hitting steel, and stood up from where they were laying. They ran for cover as I threw it back over my shoulder and unholstered the desert Eagle. The .50AE rounds could however penetrate their armor after 1 or 2 and they knew it. I could tell by the way they ran after they heard the blast of it. It echoed through the alleys and streets of the empty city and it was the greatest feeling in the world to have them run from me, even if it was just for that one second. They returned fire after watching one comrade who looked like I got him in the neck collapse on the street, give a very satisfying twitch (at least for me it was satisfying) and then move no more. The 9.43 rounds did not ricochet, they went right through just as I thought. One slammed right into the back of my left ribcage above the kidney as I ducked to reload and I fell forward out of breath. My Kevlar stopped it from proceeding further. And I rolled over; I looked at the night sky for a second before getting back up. Wow the stars looked beautiful tonight but sadly they were being covered up by the snow clouds that are still over me now. It was very difficult to lay there face up as shrapnel and glass was also shooting at me.
“God damn it,” I screamed as a piece of the door suddenly broke loose and slammed into my right cheek. The flow of blood was very warm and it scared me a little because I could not feel the wound but the blood was slowly warming my face and I kind of liked it. I unlatched the frag from my belt now and from where I was laying I chucked it in the direction of an ally I saw two of them go into. There were only 5 or 6 that I saw, but the ford in front of me had been torn into mangled sheet metal that resembled no car I had ever seen. The grenade exploded and I heard a distant scream. That felt good. I figure with all the pain they have put me through in the past years I deserved to feel good about takin’ one out. I saw an alley way about 40 feet behind me. It was pretty much my only chance of getting away. The fire slowed for a moment as a couple of them reloaded and I stood up. I couldn’t help thinking that they weren’t really that well trained for a second. Maybe they are just good at lying down; two of them were in plain sight reloading while walking towards me. The street light that was almost directly above me had gone out a moment ago too, or it was hit by a ricochet I wasn’t sure and I didn’t have time to look up and check, but it was out nonetheless and they didn’t seem to see me. I aimed for the head of the one on the left, I whispered to myself, “stupid ****in’ Kenny” I took the shot and missed, shit. I emptied the 7 round clip at them, I didn’t need to aim. It served its purpose as they both jumped to find cover. And I ran, I ran as fast as I could, the level IV Kevlar definitely weighed me down but I wasn’t thinking of that, The blood that now covered my face was now freezing cold and the shrapnel that was still sticking out of it was hopping up and down with my running. I realized I could touch it with my tongue and that made me a little sick. I got around the corner with out being shot at once.
I put my back to the wall, reloaded and holstered the desert eagle. I pulled the shrapnel out of my cheek. The skin went out a couple inches with the metal and then retracted. I looked at it for a second and I couldn’t help but laugh. I felt a little insane by my own laughter, the shrapnel was about 6 inches long. I thought to myself, this would be a great souvenir. I couldn’t stop laughing because I was thinking of my other souvenirs back at the hideout. An enemy helmet, my first desert eagle, my brothers ear (I’ll get back to that), and my collection of enemy vests, I had about 7 or 8 of them. I’m a sick person in case you haven’t figured it out yet, and a little insane. But then why shouldn’t I be? The alley led to a dead end with a fire escape ladder. I jumped on to it causing a very loud crash as it hit the asphalt below. I could go up it to any room then walk through the apartment complex for a while before I returned to the streets. I don’t think they were going to come after me anyway. They had already lost at least 1 and I’m sure I hurt a couple others. If there was one thing the Neo U.S. soldiers hated was a lot of casualties, my guess is that it cost a hell of a lot of cash to make them, or train them, maybe a little of both. Plus they knew that it was only me now, and not some underground platoon. Well we never called it an underground platoon, it was UP alpha, or UP Beta, I think it went all the way down to UP tetras. I was in UP alpha before they died.
heh, i feel kind of dumb now. could somone tell me how to edit? My paragraphs got screwed up when i copied and pasted it from the word document. it lets me edit this one but not the first one?!?!?! Is there anyway to change the first post?
it's pretty good but it seems completely irrelevant to HL2. A good CS fic though.
I think it's a sort of prequel thing.

Pity about the borgification of the text, though.