My vampire guy!


Nov 1, 2003
Reaction score
Check out this vampire guy I did a while ago..
I was uninspired for a while, and couldn't get anything going, but then I watched ghost in the shell (again) and I thought I'd try their approach on drawing characters.
(Only one color for skin and maximum two colors for shadows and shading)

It's more simplistic then I usually draw, but then, I usually never finish anything either :p ....

Please tell me what could be better, I might not change this one, but I'll still learn stuff!

ps. If anyone comes up with a good, cool name for him, don't be shy to tell me!

Also, would you like playing as this guy in a hl2 mod? Singleplayer, 3rd person, and a new control system for aiming with two guns at different targets ?
hey, thats very cool. Has Devil May Cry written all over it ;) Dante owns so bad.
Heh thx..

The ironic thing is I've never played Devil May Cry... :rolleyes:

You don't know of any cool names for him? Dante is a truly cool name for a (anti)hero, so what about my guy..?

What do you think about the mod idea? Left Mousebutton for left gun, right mousebutton for the right gun, and a few innovations (in the control department) that I won't say.
that mod sounds very cool. Cant think of any names tho, all the ones i come up with sound stupid.
Suicide42 said:
Cant think of any names tho, all the ones i come up with sound stupid.

You and me both..

bleh.. Art forum is always so damn slow... Ain't noone around :sleep:
Sorze said:
You and me both..

bleh.. Art forum is always so damn slow... Ain't noone around :sleep:
Aint that the truth ;(
Shame because its my favorite forum.
Wow, movement in teh art forum!11!1 :rolling:

Thanks for dropping in guys, feel free to stay..
"Morte" is ok actually, but it feels just a tiny bit cliché. Has something to do with death right? In spanish etc...

Tim thanks for the link, I might actually find something useful there!
eh.. how about "Libbicock" ?
Maybeh not.

and all of you ( minus suicide)! You didn't even comment on my drawing!! Or the mod idea! Please try again! :)

Err... Anyways... The vampire guy was made with the help of a wacom graphire 3, which I've had for a while now. I really recommend it... ehh yeah..

2 new (but older...) pics of the vampire...
the one without color is the first sketch, Just to get the mood right.. I like the crazy look.
The colored one is where I first tried out the "Ghost in the shell" shading technique..

Edit: Spelling
wow if u combine Vamp + vamp 3 u have a perfect vampire head.
Yeah he's happy, he probably just slaughtered some people mugging a sexeh lady, and then drank the sexeh lady's blood..
or something.. :O

How about naming him "Alessio" ?

From Dantes Inferno:
"Alessio Interminei (Canto XVIII)—A White Guelph;
a flatterer with “slick” manners"

Sounds pretty cool methinks..

You spontaneous reactions to my mod idea? And of course playing as the vampire hereby named "Alessio", if you don't think it sounds overly gay..

Edit: Wow, you guys were quick.. :)
heh, ok.......?

I don't mind replies like that, Dilbert is cool...
But please! Atleast give a thumbs up or thumbs down to my drawing too! That's what this thread was made for!

If you feel like it you can comment on the mod idea and the name as well..

New piccy, a quick job...
Name him Bob. The Wonderful Adventures of Bob, the comics I can see them now.
Very cool drawings. Have you checked out the HL1 Mod for vampires, it was pretty neat. Don't remember what it was called though....
hehe, "Bob"?

Maybe :P

thx Tim.. Do you mean the Underworld mod? The one they did for the movie ("Underworld.......)?
If so no.

And if not, No anyway, I haven't played any vampire mod for hl...

Vampires are cool though :dork:
Nah, this mod was oldschool. I went and did some research. It was called Vampire Slayer:

I recommend it, pretty fun to play if you can find a server. The bots are pretty decent too though. You might want to read the readme on adding bots, if I remember correctly it was kind of tricky...