My website

I love this site

Do I see a condom wrapper in the background?
^that image is made of win.
Wow, it's like a monitor in a monitor. That's so weird.
Nice, I enjoyed watching your video, until you spelt 'competitive' as competive, but that's because I'm horrible like that.

I'm not a CSS fan at all but watching you play is amazing. I know that's pretty hard to do. Have you got any other videos I can watch of you playing CWs?
Why can't I turn off your computer? ITS LIKE THE BUTTON ISNT EVEN REALLLLL!!!!!
Cool stuff :D

EDIT: Whoops, for some reason, it slipped my mind that I already posted in this thread. Lack of sleep, and watching the election coverage.
Nice, I enjoyed watching your video, until you spelt 'competitive' as competive, but that's because I'm horrible like that.

I'm not a CSS fan at all but watching you play is amazing. I know that's pretty hard to do. Have you got any other videos I can watch of you playing CWs?

Thanks. Yeah I'm aware of the typo, but I only noticed after the 1:20 hr procedure of rendering>compressing>uploading>processing, so I couldn't be arsed to do that all again. Also, I'm afraid not. I have quite a bunch of clips, but I've never found the time/patience to make it into a good movie yet (with tons of editing). I've got a project started, but it's in the fridge atm. I'm far too busy for now.

I have a bunch of clips I rendered separately over the last year or so, I'll put them on noobflicks for all to see. I'll do that tomorrow though, no time atm. A silly flash animation will be up soon. I made it almost 7 years ago, but it should suffice to get the studypoints for Flash :P :shh:
Are you Don or Dan? Eitherway I lol'd when you introduced yourself. I feel like you could've murdered me without skipping a beat.


  • img_content_daan_corr.gif
    27.8 KB · Views: 277
I came.
Also I remember that video! You should totally work on expanding it :p
Alright guys, my site completely passed on every front, whopee! They loved it.
DAMN! That CS video is ridiculous!

How many times have you been accused as a hacker?
Hazard.Squared said:
How many times have you been accused as a hacker?
Not as many times as me :p

Brick is super pr0!
Congrats on the site babe. <3
The site has bad contrast and it's hard to read the navigation.
But the design is pretty good for a school project.
That's the reason there is an extra navigation on the bottom.
I got my grade and I'm not happy.


That's a little higher than the average score in my class. No way does that reflect the quality of the website that was put together. Either I screwed something up (which I doubt) or they just don't give a flying **** about design/originality/quality of work, in which case I'm gonna talk about it with all the teachers involved. This is just bullshit. These guys got an even higher grade. Don't they appreciate how well it would serve as a website? This project was named "Design" even.

Sigh I need to shoot some more ****ing zombies.
Your site was better than all of those. Ask your teacher why you were docked so many points.

Also, my only criticism of your site is that I would personally like it more if the links didn't flicker when you mouseovered but merely were highlighted (instead of flickering a few times THEN highlighting as it does now). Tiny point though.
Your site was better than all of those. Ask your teacher why you were docked so many points.

Also, my only criticism of your site is that I would personally like it more if the links didn't flicker when you mouseovered but merely were highlighted (instead of flickering a few times THEN highlighting as it does now). Tiny point though.

I will, for sure.

I'm not sure, but it seems some people don't get that it's supposed to be a neon light flickering on. I agree it's kind of annoying after a while, I might make it faster or change the sound.

I don't understand this one. The guy you kill, you end up just shooting at the ground and it still kills them :dozey:

First, the elites have crazy recoil (meaning the bullets end up above your crosshair more than usual). Second, the footage was taken from a sourcetv demo, in which that effect is always exaggerated for some reason. All the bullets were skillfully aimed towards his upper chest.