My word is Law.


Party Escort Bot
Sep 20, 2003
Reaction score
This is a great article about the attitude on internet forums and IRC etc, a very good read:

"My car does 50 BHP more than yours, my sex life is more interesting and varied and my grass ALWAYS grows greener. "
Rofl very true, especially the part about hardware, applies to anyone who has ever put their system specs in their signature.
I don’t play games, because games are for losers who need to get out more, but did I mention I’m also the best player you’ve ever lost to at CounterStrike and will own you at the first opportunity? I played solo against team SK with just a knife and beat them all; I didn’t join them though because I don’t really play it. I’ve played to 60 on Everquest before the beta finished (They let me play to 60 to test how ‘Uber’ a character could become) and completed Half Life II. I play test for Valve, but they asked me not to tell anyone. Have you seen Doom 3 yet? I have, it sucks; but it’ll be the greatest game ever.

lol, best paragraph of the whole thing.
Really makes you think, why do the majority of IRCers and forum-guys have this mentality and attitude? Supremacy. With supremacy comes respect, i.e this is the way you do it on the internet, the cyberway of wearing phat clothes and talking the harlem way, making sure no one fights with you or anything. However this does the exact opposite on the internet.. :/
I propose we napalm the internet. This must be stopped.
Utterly hilarious, but I'm not like that. If I was though, I'm sure I'd have the best avatar you guys had ever seen, even though I don't like the internet, because it's for geeks...I mean...*runs away*
lol, my god, how perfectly that captured the spirit of so many morons I've had the displeasure of talking to on the internet :)
LOL that paragraph that nw909 posted, thats class :LOL:
Wow, that article owned!

Everything he said is so true heh.
Screw that, I watercool my pro-gamer toaster. (Godbless anyone who remembers that).
I’m a simmering pot of misinformation and arrogant, opinionated verbal diarrhoea.

Verification: Complete.

Truth value: Total.

Laughter will commence in: 3...

BWAHAHAHAHAHA!! That's just classic. It is also- in a vague and worrying way- uh, vaguely worrying, simply because people like that exist and we haven't got the politicians to pass the Moron Cull.
Direwolf said:
Screw that, I watercool my pro-gamer toaster. (Godbless anyone who remembers that).

lol, that thread was class back in the day :LOL:
Didn't someone even mail Gabe and ask if their toaster would run HL2?

My toaster runs Doom 3, but it sux anyhow so I play pong on it (the beta version 1 I got back in the day there's an exploit I know there to kick the ball backwards and score). So don't you try it because your toaster doesn't support pci express your toaster needs that for the raid config it's required to boost the HDDSPH = hard disk drive speed per hour heh :p like there's another kind of speed than the one which comes per hour :p wich is like really weard and all since we have the optical data cube (I have 3) now but it don't fit in my stupid toaster. So there. Don't try this at home. And don't say anything if you don't want me to say anything about it.

(note: I'm really scared it all came so naturally)
(Godbless anyone who remembers that).

My toaster is so much better than yours that I can't even begin to explain why - we'd eb workign on different planes of existence. Oh yes. Mm...toast...
(Godbless anyone who remembers that).

My toaster is so much better than yours that I can't even begin to explain why - we'd be working on different planes of existence. Oh yes. Mm...toast...
Nothing can beat my computer! Just look at my sig...Pff n00bs

Heh, i remember the toaster and the email that was sent to valve :D