My World


Jun 29, 2003
Reaction score
Posted this a while back, and normally wouldnt post it again, but recently rediscovered it after thinking I had lost it forever (gasp).I'm bored, and am trying to think of some things to add to it, and the forums have been a bit slow as of late, so I figured, "what the hey". (Also, whats the code to make this thing display without you having to click?)

Why do I TOTALLY RECALL something just like this!? :O

Anybody else know what I'm talking about? In fact it might be the very same, didn't you post this before, Spooky?
vegeta897 said:
Why do I TOTALLY RECALL something just like this!? :O

Anybody else know what I'm talking about? In fact it might be the very same, didn't you post this before, Spooky?
spookymooky said:
Posted this a while back...
gg veg
Ok who edited my post ;)

~Crushy: hello!1
Nice design of sweden and scandinavia, we look like the head of a brontosaurus.
You Bastard!! You Forgot Denmark!!!! Aaaaarrrg!!
Murray, yup, I actually got the "Here be commies" idea from that, the the idea for the map itself is from somewhere else.

Africa is AIDSed

I really wanna add a guy picking thistles in a kilt in scotland, but sadly I dont have enough room. :(

Your home country is updated.

Denmark doesnt actually exist; its a story made up to frighten little kids into bed....or I forgot about it...and cant fit it in....or something.

Gotta work on putting a marijauna leaf in canada, it always looks like a maple leaf, damnit. Im saddenned that you didnt see the terminator in California already.
hah, i did a project once where i had to make a symbol, i made a canadian flag with a pot leaf on it.

got a hundred.
Ennui said:
hah, i did a project once where i had to make a symbol, i made a canadian flag with a pot leaf on it.

got a hundred.
Sadly, I imagine it'd be hard to draw at this scale, but i'd love to see it if its available.
spookymooky said:
Im saddenned that you didnt see the terminator in California already.
O ya, sorry I didn't know where it was. I forgot that California went to hang out with Hawaaii. :upstare:
Teta_Bonita said:
O ya, sorry I didn't know where it was. I forgot that California went to hang out with Hawaaii. :upstare:
Actually, Hawii doesnt exist in this map. I was acutally probably subcounciously (sp?) inspired to move CA off the coast because of that flash, but not directly.
Sulkdodds said:
Heh. :P Add something for Scotland.

tags don't work in general off-topic, just in case someone decides to use them for some really disgusting picture...[/QUOTE]

You can always add a guy wearing a dress for scotland.

Yeah yeah, I know they're kilts. Honestly, I think they're awesome and a sign of masculinity, but not many do :-P
I think in the Asia region, there is a dinosaur humping another.
Cyberpits: Nah, cause Aids is basically just a circle of dots, I just wrote OMG! AIDS!

Raziaar: I definately think kilts are awesome. I only had one chance to wear one, but there is definately a masculine aura to it.

Persmaga: Theres an Aussie in a kangaroo pouch in Australia?

xLostx: Do you mean the Chihuahua in Mexico? Godzilla?
hey wat lenght and size or whatever or how i would say it "dood whats the X and X?"
spookymooky said:
xLostx: Do you mean the Chihuahua in Mexico? Godzilla?
Dewgong - floating in the water by africa, tisk tisk
Sinkoman: Yeah, I know, just looked better that way, somehow

xLostx: A Dewgong is definately a real animal. I put it there next to the elephant and rock hyrax cause I heard on some nature show when I was little that all three animals are related and thats why they have the same toes. I could never get that fact out of my head.