Myer's Briggs Test


May 28, 2003
Reaction score
Who here knows their MBTI profile?


I know I am superior to all other types, especially feely and judgemental sorts. I understand everything and don't care about others.
I hate personality tests. I don't understand why people do them, you already know infinitly more about youself than any test could ever hope to achieve.
I hate personality tests. I don't understand why people do them, you already know infinitly more about youself than any test could ever hope to achieve.
The inherent problem is that that's a self-referential view, you're analyzing your personality in the terms of your personality. Actual personality tests analyze objectively.
The inherent problem is that that's a self-referential view, you're analyzing your personality in the terms of your personality. Actual personality tests analyze objectively.

Why do you need to know your personality anyway?

I just went to a list off all the myer's briggs personality types, and clicked through them. I could have said, "wow that's so me!" to almost all of them...

edit: "Takes a realistic approach" -- opposed to unrealistic?
'Enjoys change" -- omg! i totally enjoy change!!
"Is concerned with truth" -- no I like it when I'm surrounded by lies and deception
"Makes decisions on the basis of personal values" -- when do you not include yourself in decision making?

it all just seems so...unspecific..."you like doing things with your hands", "you enjoy being happy"...
ENTJ - Extroverted Intuitive Thinking Judging

Personality tests are alright in my new employer initially brought me in to interview solely on the basis of a workplace-related personality assessment.
INFP, last I checked.
But I may have changed since then... I used to be really into it aswell.
it all just seems so...unspecific..."you like doing things with your hands", "you enjoy being happy"...
That doesn't seem unspecific to me. :naughty:
ISFP last time I checked, ''the artist'' apparently :E

note: I'm basing this on some 70 question internet test so I'de take it with a grain of salt. Reading about it sounded pretty accurate though D:
ISFP last time I checked, ''the artist'' apparently :E

note: I'm basing this on some 70 question internet test so I'de take it with a grain of salt. Reading about it sounded pretty accurate though D:

These things really do work...not necessarily all of them but...the personality profile that my employer-to be used is so shockingly accurate I asked them to photocopy it so I could keep a copy. It's four pages long or so, going into some detail about how I act at work and what role I fill, what my ideal job responsibilities should be, how I change when under pressure and the mask I put on in my current role and why. It was based on about 30 multiple choice questions.
I'll definitely be using that test to assess people moreso than a CV.
Wikipedia said:
The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) is a personality test designed to assist a person in identifying some significant personal preferences. Katharine Cook Briggs and her daughter Isabel Briggs Myers developed the Indicator during World War II, and its criteria follow from Carl Jung's theories in his work Psychological Types.[1]
Where can I take the test?
Google is your friend. Well...your grudging ally, at least.
INFJ. According to this, I'm an author, and I'm one of the 1.5% of the population.

Nothing special.

And after reading the descriptions... I call BULLSHIT!

Some of it is accurate (being dependable and such) but I am not a buisnessman or anything like that. Im more of an artist than "good business men, librarians, dentists, optometrists, legal secretaries, and law researchers."

The result doesn't really seem to be accurate to me. Hrm.
i dont get it...whats with the letters and whats with the tests and whats with everything?


I've taken this test five or six times over the past couple years and I've gotten INFP every time.