n e phishing?


Formerly Hokey McSmokey
Nov 29, 2008
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I got this in my inbox a little bit ago. I dont know if it's legit, since my great aunt just died not too long ago. I've never gave my email, name, address or phone number to anyone like this so i'm a little worried. :/

call the number and if there is a nigerian accent on the other side you hang up immediately do you hear me IMMEDIATELY
A Cayman Island bank account. How likely do you think it is that your aunt had a Cayman Island bank account? I'd say most likely phishing. I'd consult with (non-gullible) members of your family on it.

I'm just trying to figure out how the hell someone knows all that information.
Flaws -

Account in the Caymans. Right.

Spelling mistakes.

Unprofessionally formatted email - no header, signature, bank logo.

He sent mail to your home and didn't receive a response? How long ago did she die? Why would he expect a response so soon?

6 month banking course in the UK. Right.

http://www.mbendi.com/orgs/ctpu.htm looks dodgy as shit

But anyway, call the number, try to troll him.
I deleted it, regardless. Aint got time for shit like this.
I love their maps, apparently they have a building right smack in the middle of Singapore's Pierce Reservoir!
Looks like phishing to me. Besides, if they actually sent legitimate mail to your home address, then there shouldn't even be a need to respond to random emails. And (not to demean you or anything), any legitimate person would contact your parents, or her children, or anyone who isn't a young distant relative who knows nothing about her financial accounts.

As for the information they got, are you attending a university? Often, universities have public directories with all their students' info (full name, email, phone number, campus address and/or permanent residence address, major, freshman/sophomore/etc status). They're set to show all this by default -- you'd have to turn in a form to make them remove it. I have always been pissed off about this because it's like holding out a big sign on the internet saying, "Scammers, please come here and steal our students' information!" If anything, the university should try to protect students' privacy. And seriously -- name, major, email. Does anybody really need to know anything more than that?

I got an email titled "Intruder Alert" the other day that I assumed was just hilariously-titled spam. But it was from those pesky Save the Internet people. You'd think they'd realize they should title their emails in a less spammy fashion...
Bro, they probably dig up obituaries, man.

Caymen Islands Bank? United Kingdom? You live in Tennessee.

Also, a bank is not going to contact you by email, not unless you have directly given them your email address.
It's real. You now own ten thousand farms in Nigeria, you rich bitch.
Those Registed Trademark symbols give all the authenticity I need!
A Cayman Island bank account. How likely do you think it is that your aunt had a Cayman Island bank account? I'd say most likely phishing. I'd consult with (non-gullible) members of your family on it.

My aunt did.

But she lived there.
Ever posted your personal info on the interbutts? nfi how else they'd aquire it. (Or why they'd harvest it to cater to each specific victim)
Ever posted your personal info on the interbutts? nfi how else they'd aquire it. (Or why they'd harvest it to cater to each specific victim)

Shit's easy to find. When I got my bike stolen, I just put that idiot's full name into an "identity search engine" that I found on google, and within minutes I had all of his past addresses, multiple cell phone numbers, house phone number, email addresses, and all sorts of other shit.