{n00b} Clan Training

Kebean PFC

Jan 23, 2005
Reaction score
I was wondering if there would be any interest at all in my making a clan to train people in how to be more sucessfull CS:S players and how to effectivly work as a unit. It would be a clan with the {n00b} tag in front and we would conduct regular practices and scrims. If anyone is interested please respond here or shoot me an e-mail at
[email protected]

I need all the help i can get (i.e. servers, members, publicity)... so if anyone can help me please respond. If any major clan out there has members that they want hardened into vetrans they could refer them to me.

My Backround in CS:

I was in the CAL: IM clan {WM} until i disbanded them in 2004. If have played many scrims, and done numerous tryouts. I know what you (as a player and as a clan) want to be and your people to be.

Again any and all help is appreciated.
I'm a good player (if I say so my self) and I could help train. PM me.
sorry to be an evil bitch, but shouldn't this be in the Clans and Tournaments section?
Other than that, I think the downfall of a noob clan is high skill clans constantly challenging you, because they want a bit of noob pwnage.
i belong to a clan that is called -=[DANOOB]=- and was created for similar reasons, i think that that is a really good idea
Doesn't CS:S require you to be twitchy?

I'll join (PM me)
Rice and Marco, PMs sent.

Well if we get challanged by a high profile clan, i say let them come, it gives you good practice. Anyway, we would also need a website (i can do part of it).

Just to let you guys know, i am dead serious, though i though about changing the name to {CCS} Clan Candidate School.

Anywho, if you can help, or wish to be in the clan, just send me an email, or PM me. This is all about helping new players turn into MATURE, members of the CS:S community and hopefully to get them in a clan faster.

EDIT: If this is in the wrong section sorry, move it. But i figured we would get more publicity this way.
Hmm, Im interested

I arent exactly a noob as ive been playing for nigh on 4 years, but I dont play regularly enough to be good so this would be good motivation :D

good idea too
LOL my friend started a {noob} clan in Wolfenstein Enemy Territory.
I consider myself OK, but think a little "training" (I have become a true dork) would be in order. I can get maybe 6-10 kills per game, depending map and how i'm feeling. On a bad map (for me) i'll average about 3-6.

So can I join, as a trainee? I think my only prob would be the scrims. I live in Hawaii, so my timezone is fubar compared to yours. I think i'd miss most of the scrims and practices.

And if I was to join, I think we should get a better name than NOOBS. How about, a real name in caps, followed by the nub in lowercase. Like {SPREEnub}. That would be for the trainees. The interns and such would just be {SPREE}. That way, eventually we could graduate to become a real clan, but still accept trainees. I think that'd be cool. The old timers training nubs. Plus, it'd make it easier for the nubs to recognize who's in charge.

So I guess, i'm in. If you don't find my idea good, then i'm out. I'd love to be in a clan, but don't want to be a nub all my life. Hell, I think i'm pretty good at cs:s.

EDIT: Yeah, my situation SORTA like goalies. It's just not that I don't have the time (sometimes i'll play cs:s for a whole day), it's that sometimes i'd rather live my life.
xLostx if you dont have anything constructive to say please don't post.

Goalie and sinkoman, no problem. Just once i get a few members ill ask you all what would be a good time. The whole point is not to keep yo in the clan. It is to train you so you can get picked up by another, high profile clan. Also, so you know the workings of CS:S and are just a better player.
Kebean PFC said:
xLostx if you dont have anything constructive to say please don't post.

Goalie and sinkoman, no problem. Just once i get a few members ill ask you all what would be a good time. The whole point is not to keep yo in the clan. It is to train you so you can get picked up by another, high profile clan. Also, so you know the workings of CS:S and are just a better player.

I see.

Well, still, I think there should be a better way for us nubs to recognize our superiors (besides that nice 20 next to the 0). Maybe like, the trainers have a ! infront. Like {!NOOBS}.
Hey me and some meber of my clan ]sM[ would also like to help with this indevour (god i hope i spelled that right).... We also might have a server that we could let yall use for the time being! I sent u an email so just send me one back with all the info! But send the email to [email protected] because the one i used to register with these forums is no longer in use!
Kebean PFC said:
xLostx if you dont have anything constructive to say please don't post.
If you knew anything or were around back in the day my sig said I'm here to poon noobs so it was more of a joke. But on that note - I poon you
i have an idea, when u have all set up this clan and had some training, dou want to have a noob clan war. if so click link when ure ready, and challange us www.danoob.com
Lol, I could learn noobs how to aim and use tactics :p
Been playing the game for about 5 (or more I dunno) years now, so yeh I'm not a noob :p

EDIT : Be sure to give the teacher the {n00b-Tchr} tag and the student the {n00b-Stnd} tag :p

EDIT : Changed STD
Beerdude26 said:
Lol, I could learn noobs how to aim and use tactics :p
Been playing the game for about 5 (or more I dunno) years now, so yeh I'm not a noob :p

EDIT : Be sure to give the teacher the {n00b-Tch} tag and the student the {n00b-Std} tag :p

No way. I'm not joining if I end up with venereal diseases being synonomous with my name.

]Sm[ email sent. I appreiate all your help. Ill coordinate with ]SM[ clan to get our first practice in soon. When i have the time set ill put a notice in this thread. If you have friends that are interested bring them too, get as many as possible.
keaben, i dont know if you can us {CCS} cause there are already people running around with that tag in austraila. Unless you've expanded that far?
I think i'm getting better. Just today, I scored 15 killes in a round on CS_Paintball and maybe 6 on Office. My kills to death ratio is still like, 1:1.5 though.
Awesome we have alot set up in such a short time! So now we just need to find people that wanna join!
I dont understand the point in this? why dont you just start a new clan called noob and enter tournaments. I just think that if you harden other players from other clans they will be playing the way you taught them to play, your tactics, and these may greatly differ from their own clans tactics, so then they come back to scrim with their own clan and are worse off. anyway off to an alevel exam now bb and gl
Ok the first pracice will be from

8:00 PST to 9:00 PST on Wednesday. I will attempt to be there, but my grandmother from Florida is here and we may have to go out to eat. I will most likely be there.

The info for the server is:
Name: Synthetic Method
Password: scrim

Show up if you want to learn.
What's PST, I live in a GMT+1 place, and I've never ever heard of that :/
If it's in the evening, I'll probably be able to make it as a teacher.
sorry cant make it, time no good for me,
it would be 4.00am here GMT.

which would make it 5.ooam beerdude26

maybe next time
Could you convert that time to the 24 hour standard used here in Belgium?
Kebean PFC said:
Ok the first pracice will be from

8:00 PST to 9:00 PST on Wednesday. I will attempt to be there, but my grandmother from Florida is here and we may have to go out to eat. I will most likely be there.

The info for the server is:
Name: Synthetic Method
Password: scrim

Show up if you want to learn.

I'll be able to make it. If i'm correct, PST gmt -8, and i'm gmt -10. The only problem is, every atomic clock I see has the wrong time for gmt-10, so I MIGHT not be able to make it.
8:00 PST to 9:00 PST on Wednesday. I will attempt to be there, but my grandmother from Florida is here and we may have to go out to eat. I will most likely be there.
Do you know when that will be in central time?
ricera10 said:
Do you know when that will be in central time?

Is it that hard to google Time Converters? I did it, so can you!
I'm always up, so time is not a problem...most of the time. I can help with little exploits (not the bad ones) and team strategy. I used to be a squad leader and I had to write up strategies all the time.
The way I hear you people speak of this, I fear for my social life ;(

IMPORTANT EDIT: Hey, since we should be able to communicate between each other outside of the forums, I think we should all exchange xfire sn's, aim sn's, and email addresses. Perhaps where we live too, and timezones, to make match planning easier. I'll go first.

Xfire: sinkoman
Aim: sinkOman III (sinkoman iii)
E-mail: [email protected]
Timezone: GMT-10/ Hawaii

Basically, if you see somebody with the name sinkoman running around in a server, then you know you've seen me :naughty:
Beerdude26 said:
So if I'm right, when it's 5.00 AM at GMT-8, it should be 15.00h over here in Belgium. I could make that.
Thanks for the link!

So if it's at 8-9, then it will be about 11-12 in Central Time during daylight savings time right?

Everything about me is ricera10 everywhere, except in AIM it's ricera1.

In CS:S, I have some form or another of ricera10 in my name and I frequent the KrackHouse.net rats servers (either one, mostly 2)
I think I could help train. Im very good when it comes to fps shooters and training. My score is usually between 10 and 30 depending on the map and players. PM me.

xfire: rampage101
In my opinion, this is a bad idea. Making it easy for newbies to learn how to play the game well without lots of practice and experience kind of ruins the whole learning experience. I know you guys are trying to do something good, but you're going in the wrong direction. A new player shouldn't know all of the hiding spots in a map his second time through just because he had a bunch of experienced players explain it to him in full detail.

New players should practice if they want to get good.
Well, bad news. I cannot make it to the practice, seeing as i will be arriving at camp. Sorry, i got the days messed up. ]Sm[ SmagooginPoop will be the commanding officer.

Malfuction, that is what we will not be doing. We will not just explain what to do, we will give general guidelines, and the players will learn through experience.

I will be back again on the 27th of this month, so see ya. Hope the practice goes well.
Well, i've been player for maybe 2 years, and I consider myself pretty good. But you know, there's always room for improvement. I'm used to joining servers where it's just every man for himself, i'd like to learn some tactics and such. I also think a bit of target practice (can we do that?) sounds like fun, and want to know how people make those "Gee wiz" headshots, where the guy is all the way on the other side of the map.