nads bouncing off heads

Public Apology:
I'm sorry i used large font, and will refrain from using it in the future. As for saying nads, not nades or gernades, I'm also sorry. As for the nades, I complained because they looked like they were going to the side or above, yet they bounce back. Needs to be fixed.
Quelaar said:
Isn't tea-bagging where you insert nads into a sleeping person's mouth?

Some people :rolleyes:


that is one definition, the other is slapping your balls on someone elses head.
Wow, happens to me alot... usually when ive cocked the nade and just released it.. the guy runs in front and it bounces back in my face..

Kinda funny..
what, you expect the nade to go THRU the head?!?!?!?! :/ :/ lolol
then nades will come back at me at the same force as the original throw, what it should to when ut hits their head is fall to the ground and blow up.
In the tunnel at dust 2, playing as T, I got a flash thrown in my face from a CT, It took 4 damage :D
to be honest although I have blown myself up a couple times.. I would be dissapointed if grenades went through player models.. it wouldn't make sense.

you just have to time throwing your grenades, and warn your teammates (easier if you have a mic)
Who ever said grenades should go through player models? I mean what the hell? lol They just need to make a 'thunk' sound and plop to the ground. Is that really hard?
MadHatter said:
Who ever said grenades should go through player models? I mean what the hell? lol They just need to make a 'thunk' sound and plop to the ground. Is that really hard?
no on said that, I was making a comment.. who said it needed to have been said prior to have validity. :p

anyway, as far as I have experienced grenades don't act out of character when hitting models... they bounce hard because of the force thrown, also I think it's to counter the "grenades getting stuck in player models" bug that was in a week or so ago.

the only thing I don't like about grenades is the fact that they actually are tossed higher than the crosshair.