Name Changes (Who are you again?)

Jun 30, 2007
Reaction score
All right. A lot of people have changed their names recently. Some of them are almost the same (eg: evilsloth is now sloth). Others, however, have changed drastically (so drastically, I'm not going to try an example). Perhaps I am not the only person who, staring at their computer in confusion, is saying, "I recognize the avatar, I swear I do, but who is that?"

In short, if you changed your name, please post your previous name. Just for clarification.
I used to be Rabarber.
All right. A lot of people have changed their names recently. Some of them are almost the same (eg: evilsloth is now sloth). Others, however, have changed drastically (so drastically, I'm not going to try an example). Perhaps I am not the only person who, staring at their computer in confusion, is saying, "I recognize the avatar, I swear I do, but who is that?"

In short, if you changed your name, please post your previous name. Just for clarification.

I used to be cptstern

....and you? which former member that has since been banned did you used to be?
I used to be cptstern

....and you? which former member that has since been banned did you used to be?

"Losttheskyagain" is my first and only moniker on this website. Granted, I lurked for awhile before joining, so I got used to everyone's previous screennames. Who did you think I was?
Shift le LIEZ!11

someone stole my n. and stole my POWWAH
"Losttheskyagain" is my first and only moniker on this website. Granted, I lurked for awhile before joining, so I got used to everyone's previous screennames. Who did you think I was?

everyone/anyone who's been banned in the last few years

hi knghenry ....or is it lemonking?

just testing

how's it going spicy tuna?
Guess who I used to be.
everyone/anyone who's been banned in the last few years

hi knghenry ....or is it lemonking?

just testing

how's it going spicy tuna?

I'm surprised you didn't mention your best buddy gh0st.
gh0st was killed not too long ago ..seems he was at a KKK rally when a burning cross accidentily fell on him instantly killing/burning him to a crisp

^ true story
I used to be r?omhaire,0 r?omhaire and Rim-Fire :)
I haven't changed my name in the 4 years I've been here

Look at my e-penis...oh yeeeeaah
I had my name changed at about 1000 posts.

I used to be cyberpitz...I like the capital C and P.
I'm Pulse.

Name changes are the utmost in buggery.
Luckily, because I'd have to ban you if you were.

I was Audiophile, but you wouldn't know who that was unless you've been lurking since at least early 2004.

I considered changing my name to Zeitgeist recently but I can't be arsed to, and intelligence I gathered indicates it would have been a poor move.
i used to be 15733

or was it 15373?


anyways, they called me numbers.

Name changes these days. meh

Nothing epic like Fenric, MrBadger or Pi|Mu|Rho.
I considered changing my name to Zeitgeist recently


And whoever knows what my name was before (and understands the ****ing concept) gets a piece of my own chocolate cake.
Oh man, the memories, and all these god damn name changes.
Why can't people get it right the first time?
I like the capital C and P.
Yes, we all know you love CP.

I used to be vegeta897 but now I'm Vegeta897.

I like the capital V.

(also qonf is a fheg who stole my joke via msn but luckily I thought of a funnier one)
Well....It wasn't exactly a name change.

EDIT: Also hivemind
Giggle giggle. You know, I'm sorry for banning you Geo, I really do heart you.