Name My Boat :d

Note: SS means steamship, not neccessarily any given ship at all.

See the wiki article on it here.
Isn't it bad luck to rename a boat?

Hmm... it's possible.

Google said:
I am sure this is just coincidence but of the twenty plus some boats owned by myself and my family, we only changed the name of three, that was the two that lost their masts and the one that was sunk on the rocks at Fort Toten. Not a large scientific sampling mind you, but a 100% correlation sounds like cause and effect to me.
SS C-word.

Also, you'd damn well better be sure to post when that sucker's done.
Zelda references?

How about the s.s. MA BOOOOOOOOOOUY?

Or the "Gee, I wonder what Japan is up to?"
Wind Waker? Red? Why, you should name it the King of Red Lions, ofc.