Nanny State ahoy - swearing banned in UK city


The Freeman
May 13, 2003
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Council bosses are trying to stamp out swearing in a city centre as part of a campaign against anti-social behaviour.

Signs and banners have been put up across Preston pointing out "Rules 'Round Town" such as "No 'Effin and 'Jeffin" and "No Aggro".

The posters are part of the Respect Our City campaign, designed to reduce anti-social behaviour such as swearing, spitting and litter dropping.

The rules will be enforced by police and council officers.

Police can give out fixed penalty notices of up to ?80 for various public order offences while council officers can impose ?75 on-the-spot fines for litter offences.

Posters have been put up in shops, restaurants and takeaways in the city centre and stickers will be used on beer mats in pubs and clubs.

Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat. How is this even possible? :(
I for one welcome our Puritan overlords.
I cannot even begin to comprehend how they think this will work. Are they going to have officers watching out specifically for people swearing? Are cameras going to be on the close-eye for lip movements alone? Is the local enforcement going to start lip reading classes for all recruits and officers?

It boggles the mind.
So much for freedom of speech, eh?
You do realise that it's actually already illegal to swear in public?
All this is is an incentive to try to curb antisocial behaviour in the city centre.

On the other hand, Preston is an absolute shithole, and I try to do my part by attempting to kill or maim as many students as possible every day as I drive through.
preston is better than blackpool, i had to stay in blackpool.
it f*cking sucks. what a shithole.
You do realise that it's actually already illegal to swear in public?
All this is is an incentive to try to curb antisocial behaviour in the city centre.

On the other hand, Preston is an absolute shithole, and I try to do my part by attempting to kill or maim as many students as possible every day as I drive through.

In your jaguar, with your bold head exposed :O
I don't currently have the Jag. It's a Volvo!
The signs should just say 'shut the **** up'
If Stephen Fry is with us who could stand against us?
use swears in another language!

problem solved
Ah, good ol' Nanny/Police state of Britain..

You really should grab your guns and... Oh wait, they took them already. And your knives.
Soon all you'll have to defend yourselves with are safety scissors and your fists.

News like this seriously worry me to no end.
To be fair, though, this'll be enforced by Community Support officers. I bet if we all got together we could beat them up.