NASA manned Mars mission details emerge

Watch that documentary about the moon landing

That documentary was hilarious. I love how the majority of their interviews are with non-experts and nobodys.

On topic: it'll be nice to go there but it's still going to take a while to make any real progress.
That documentary was hilarious. I love how the majority of their interviews are with non-experts and nobodys.

It's funny. Because the majority of conspiracy-theorists know even less. One might call them anti-experts.

And +3* Sam
I don't remember - did they explain why you can see the horizon right through the astronauts, like they were in front of a green screen? :D
Even though all the conspiracey stuff as interesting as it is, makes some fascinating points about past space travel, (such as the van allen radiation belts, and identical landscapes in supposed two different landing areas).

They could shut every man women and child up who ever dared to question the validity of those voyages, just by pointing hubble at the right place on the moon to take a few posterity shots of the flags and left over junk.
Even though all the conspiracey stuff as interesting as it is, makes some fascinating points about past space travel, (such as the van allen radiation belts, and identical landscapes in supposed two different landing areas).

They could shut every man women and child up who ever dared to question the validity of those voyages, just by pointing hubble at the right place on the moon to take a few posterity shots of the flags and left over junk.

Hubbel doesn't work that way. Picture putting a needle in front of a lightbulb and trying to look directly at the tip.

Now what does shut them up is a device they left behind that recieves and bounces back a laser aimed at the moon used to calculate it's distance from earth (moving away), but because that topic hardly ever gets spoken of (boring to most) hardly anyone ever brings it up, and when it does come up the nay-sayers automatically say "lies" or "fake". You cannot convince these people, you know their type.
I love how this thread turned into a "the moonlandings were fake!" thread.

You can't shut the naysayers up. Why would you? NASA and almost the rest of the world know they were real, why would they waste money proving to 0.001% of the population that they were real when they could spend it on other more better things.
He, thanks to me lol. Yeah, but there are some pretty crazy facts out there like how the flag was blowing when there is no wind on the moon or that the shadows were in multiple directions, creating the possibility of a scene set-up. And best of all, how the whole thing was shit in the Nevada Desert. Totally crazy..
I love how this thread turned into a "the moonlandings were fake!" thread.

It is inevitable.

You can't shut the naysayers up. Why would you? NASA and almost the rest of the world know they were real, why would they waste money proving to 0.001% of the population that they were real when they could spend it on other more better things.

Agreed. I think I'll just ignore them from now on, like I do to Socialists.
Wait... in Chat via PM...? Surely it could only be one or the other?
Wait... you're not phishing are you...?
Oh that! Yeah now I know what you're talking about. There's a word for it; it's a filmography phenomenon. You can actually see it yourself if you block the sun out with an object; as the object intersects the sun, you will see some light "through" the object.

No. The reason you see the horizon is because the camera is a vacuum tube device (CCDs had not yet been invented). Its just smear. Watch any old video footage, look for highlights, you'll see it all the time.
Even though all the conspiracey stuff as interesting as it is, makes some fascinating points about past space travel, (such as the van allen radiation belts, and identical landscapes in supposed two different landing areas).

They could shut every man women and child up who ever dared to question the validity of those voyages, just by pointing hubble at the right place on the moon to take a few posterity shots of the flags and left over junk.

Hubble does not have anywhere near the resolution or the magnification to perform such a task. The smallest thing it can resolve is around the size of a football pitch.

Noteice the top bar on the top edge of the flag, notice how the bottom doesn't have one, now, take into account the turbulence made as the flag is put in.

If you honestly think the flag should just be perfectly flat and un-disturbed just because there is no wind, you obviously aren't the most qualified to make commentary on the validity of the moon landings.

Has anyone ever seen footage of the Hubble repair where the old solar array's were released and set adrift. No wind. Notice how the panels began to twist and buckle a bit as they were handled and pushed away?.

Yeah, its called the laws of physics, look them up.
Has anyone ever seen footage of the Hubble repair where the old solar array's were released and set adrift. No wind. Notice how the panels began to twist and buckle a bit as they were handled and pushed away?.

Ah. But that's because Hubble is fake too :P
what prove that thei really went to the moon is in the videos where they use their wheeled vehicle,the dust that the "tires" lift falls slowly,more that in earth,lso it falls directly it dont turn into litle clouds,and unless they extracted all the air of the studio I dont think there

also the galileo experiment
I suggest we vote about this, and everyone who thinks that the moonlanding was faked will be banned for plain stupidity.
He, thanks to me lol. Yeah, but there are some pretty crazy facts out there like how the flag was blowing when there is no wind on the moon or that the shadows were in multiple directions, creating the possibility of a scene set-up. And best of all, how the whole thing was shit in the Nevada Desert. Totally crazy..

The flag wasn't blowing, and anyone that watched that video with at least a middle school education would know that. The astronaut was twisting the flag's shaft back and forth to put it in the ground. When he twisted the shaft to the right, the flag moved to the right and kept going until stopped by the support holding the top of the flag, etc.

It's Newton's first law, an object will stay at rest or in motion until acted upon by another force.

And there were no shadows that were actually in multiple directions, the camera was eye level looking at shadows cast over hilly/rocky terrain, plus the shadows were from different parts of the lander, the flag, etc. that are shaped differently and sitting at different angles.
what makes people to believe in this was fake is that the theory is so possible unlike the 9/11 ones
NASA is going to launch a probe in 2008 which has the resolution to resolve landed spacecrafts and Apollo artifacts on the moon. That won't convince any real conspiracy theorists though. "Nasa faked the moon landing, now they're releasing more fake images!!!11" These people are either to stupid to accept anything less than sending them to the moon to see the footprints themselves or they're making too much money of the entire thing to admit they were wrong.
what makes people to believe in this was fake is that the theory is so possible unlike the 9/11 ones

I'd say it was more a case of people being so stupid as to not do their own research on the matter and educate themselves on the principles of physics and photography.

Theres nothing plausible about a faked moon landing. Its completely impossible to implement.
The moon landings were real, and the Earth is not flat!
Back on topic kinda, a moon-base would definitely be a good first step for any mission to Mars.