Nasa rover breaks down on Mars


Sep 28, 2003
Reaction score
Nasa's Mars rover Spirit has stopped sending useful data to Earth from the Red Planet and is no longer responding to commands sent from ground control.
Nasa says the problem could either be due to a major power fault, software corruption or memory corruption.

Scientists have tried several times to communicate with the rover but have received no useable data from it.

Spirit may now be in "fault" mode and Nasa is currently devising a strategy for getting back in contact with it.

"This is a serious problem. This is an extremely serious anomaly," said Pete Theisinger, the Spirit project manager.

"There is no single fault that explains all the observables."


SPIRIT caused an invalid page fault in module SPIRIT.EXE at 0187:0040100b. Registers: EAX=00000000 CS=0187 EIP=0040100b EFLGS=00010202 EBX=00530000 SS=018f ESP=0063fda4 EBP=0063fe38 ECX=00760e10 DS=018f ESI=00760de0 FS=8eff EDX=00760e0c ES=018f EDI=00000000 GS=0000 Bytes at CS: EIP: 0f be 00 83 c0 d0 83 f8 42 77 44 33 c9 8a 88 b0 Stack dump: 8164b248 0000003f 00760ebb 0000001e 00000000 00000000 00000030 00760ed9 00760e10 00000000 00000001 006501bc 000000e0 00000111 00000031 0063fe38
It's just making out with Beagle Two, the unuseable data was at first its mating call and now it is cries of passion
one of those monkey-ass nasa technicians tried to upload the FC demo to it probably.. spirit can't handle no shaders!
aww thats such a cute avatar timmy, i told my gfs cat that i would stuff her in the oven...she wasnt pleased...anyways...yea well that sucks, or maybe they have discovered life and they dont want us to see it...or maybe...we just wasted a bunch of money on some pics of a desert...
haHA! Goooooo NASA!!!!

Why don't we give them another gajillion dollars, maybe that will fix it.

Spirit - "Game Over. Please insert $1 billion to continue."
If NASA asked me I would have let them use my Mars base. I've never really done anything with it yet.
LoneDeranger said:
Or maybe the Mars rover is powered by Steam(tm) technology ...
poor rover... but to be honest this kinda pisses me off, I know its stupid, but I was pretty excited about this rover. Plus this is almost a personal embarrasment because a nasa facility near where I live had a major part in it.
Uh....the moon?
And we have another rover landing in a few days. Small consolation, but its something. :thumbs:
spookymooky said:
poor rover... but to be honest this kinda pisses me off, I know its stupid, but I was pretty excited about this rover. Plus this is almost a personal embarrasment because a nasa facility near where I live had a major part in it.

Spookymooky, me and all my friends laughed at the town you live in when we found out about the rover messing up. We're still laughing at you and your town screwing up on a multi-million dollar project. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

Edit: NASA does cost quite a bit of money to run just to mess up like this.
Nasa is worse at running rovers then CAL is at running DoD
fizzlephox said:
Spookymooky, me and all my friends laughed at the town you live in when we found out about the rover messing up. We're still laughing at you and your town screwing up on a multi-million dollar project. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

Edit: NASA does cost quite a bit of money to run just to mess up like this.
poor town ;(
its a government plot, everyone get there tinfoil caps ready

burnzie, who exactly are you giving the middle finger to in your avatar? Me, Nasa, the government......who damnit?!?
maybe they will discover an ancient gas station on mars.
nw909 said:
SPIRIT caused an invalid page fault in module SPIRIT.EXE at 0187:0040100b. Registers: EAX=00000000 CS=0187 EIP=0040100b EFLGS=00010202 EBX=00530000 SS=018f ESP=0063fda4 EBP=0063fe38 ECX=00760e10 DS=018f ESI=00760de0 FS=8eff EDX=00760e0c ES=018f EDI=00000000 GS=0000 Bytes at CS: EIP: 0f be 00 83 c0 d0 83 f8 42 77 44 33 c9 8a 88 b0 Stack dump: 8164b248 0000003f 00760ebb 0000001e 00000000 00000000 00000030 00760ed9 00760e10 00000000 00000001 006501bc 000000e0 00000111 00000031 0063fe38

lmfao............ :laugh:
nw909 said:
SPIRIT caused an invalid page fault in module SPIRIT.EXE at 0187:0040100b. Registers: EAX=00000000 CS=0187 EIP=0040100b EFLGS=00010202 EBX=00530000 SS=018f ESP=0063fda4 EBP=0063fe38 ECX=00760e10 DS=018f ESI=00760de0 FS=8eff EDX=00760e0c ES=018f EDI=00000000 GS=0000 Bytes at CS: EIP: 0f be 00 83 c0 d0 83 f8 42 77 44 33 c9 8a 88 b0 Stack dump: 8164b248 0000003f 00760ebb 0000001e 00000000 00000000 00000030 00760ed9 00760e10 00000000 00000001 006501bc 000000e0 00000111 00000031 0063fe38

Search: Spirit Patch 1.1
Map-specific option for game data set to be used (custom vs. melee).
Model selection dialog now includes all doodad/destructible variations.
Added preference for "Automatically zoom Previewer to fit new models" (Visual tab).
Added "Advanced->Reset Fixed Object Heights" option. (Turn off to preserve any fixed object heights [set via ctrl-page up/down] while moving them.)
Increased maximum texture space for tilesets (was 12, now 13).

Trigger Editor
Increased maximum length of trigger comments (was 640, now 2048).
"Event Response - Triggering Player" is now valid during "Dialog - Dialog Button Click" events.
Added special doodad animation tags "show" and "hide".
Added Map Flag value "Observers on defeat".

Sound Editor
Added Edit->Find command (works on sound/music list and variable list).

Object Editor
Option to sort objects by name only (View->Sort Objects By Name).
Holding down Shift while modifying a numerical value will disable all min/max limits for that field (use with caution; this can potentially crash the game!).
Tech Item dialog allows selection of special multi-unit "Equivalents" (any Altar, etc.).
New unit fields for tier-based tech tree requirements.

Item Tables dialog is accessible from Unit Properties dialog.
Pre-placed summoned units count towards creep camp minimap icons.
"Extra->Cinematic Arthas" model file reference is invalid.
Game lock-up when decreasing level of "Attribute Bonus" ability.
Excessive performance loss when units and start locations overlap.
Doodad "fixed height" status is not preserved across undo operations.
Pre-placed random units may have their team color set to red in game, regardless of owner.
Unit Properties dialog does not display mana value for buildings with mana.
Moving a start location which is on top of another start location can cause duplicate start locations.
Random Group references used for dropped items are not displayed properly in the Object Manager.
View menu does not always refresh properly after changing layers.
Advanced->Adjust Cliff Levels does not adjust water height along withterrain.

Trigger Editor
Unit event "Uses an item" does not fire for items with unlimited charges.
Attempting to enable a trigger does not properly validate that the trigger script compiles.
Action "Skip Remaining Actions" can cause compile errors if used as a parameter to another function.
"Event Response - Target Point Of Issued Order" becomes reset after a "Wait" action.
Function menu appears in the dialog for setting variable initial values.
"Automatically create unknown variables when pasting" option does not work for "Set Variable" actions.
Deleting functions may corrupt the strings within other "cut" functions (manifest after pasting).
"Event Response - Learned Skill Level" result is off by one for all levels greater than one.
Variables dialog sorting by Initial Value does not sort properly.
Map Flag value "Observer chat" is obsolete and causes compile errors.

Sound Editor
There is no way to remove imported sounds.

Object Editor
Custom "Required Animation Names" values do not display properly in the editor (works in game).
Character limit on extended tooltip fields is too small (was 300, now 1024).
Custom values of "Techtree - Requirements - Levels" field are not loaded properly in game.
Hotkey field not allowed to be empty.
Changing an object "category" does not automatically refresh the field list, if necessary.
"Stats - Build Time" values less than 8 cause Heroes to be unable to revive.
Object tabs do not always refresh properly after importing "all" object data file.
Buildings with no pathing map crash the game.
Auto Fill dialog allows any character for hotkey fields.
"Art - Scaling Value" is not applied to building placement cursor in game.
Pasting "True" values over "False" values does not work...
qckbeam said:
burnzie, who exactly are you giving the middle finger to in your avatar? Me, Nasa, the government......who damnit?!?

the system man, the whole freaking system is outta order! Join the fight.


burnzie said:
the system man, the whole freaking system is outta order! Join the fight.



Your rovers battery level is low.

Blame the ISP?

lightning killed its modem?

maybe they should stop downloading pr0n with it?
burnzie said:
the system man, the whole freaking system is outta order! Join the fight.



well, I'm glad we cleared that up
Aliens shut it down for a while to check it out. Now they've destroyed all recording possibilities, and reactivated it. Here ya go, stupid humans! HAHAHAhah