Nasa satellite footage of UFO found near Mercury


May 5, 2004
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A camera on board NASA's STEREO A satellite seems to have captured video of an unknown object that looks like an actual spaceship. The unknown object appeared when a Sun's coronal mass ejection (CME) reached planet Mercury. Watch the video and judge by yourself.


it's the freakin enterprise!
I would like to punch the first person who said spaceship regarding this object in the face. When I saw the title I knew it was going to be a vaguely shaped blob that could be anything and I was exactly right.
A blob that's the size of a small planet. Cloaked space ship? Yeah right...

The most likely explanation is that it's some sort of glitch in the camera.
A blob that's the size of a small planet. Cloaked space ship? Yeah right...

The most likely explanation is that it's some sort of glitch in the camera.
Apparently a second satellite saw it too so it's not just a camera glitch, but if you think that something that shows up on a camera as comparable in size to Mercury means that it's actually about the size of Mercury you may want to watch this:
My first instinct is that it's some sort of energetic reaction between the CME and Mercury's magnetic fields.

My second instinct is that it's some sort of energetic reaction between the CME and a spaceship's magnetic fields.
I for one welcome our new aliens overlords
"A camera on board NASA's STEREO A satellite seems to have captured video of an unknown object that looks like an actual spaceship."

An actual spaceship. An actual spaceship?! Oh yeah because we have such a great frame of reference for what an alien craft would look like, of course it's an actual spaceship, just look at the shape! It's totally vaguely what an actual spaceship would look like, actually.

Christ I hate Gawker.

(Pretty intriguing, though.)
can you really blame the science news for trying to attract people in any way they can? i guess.
can you really blame the science news for trying to attract people in any way they can? i guess.
This is pretty interesting without having to invoke aliens and screw people who don't find science stories interesting!
hey guize:
What is that thing?

This is going to be a question for debate between scientists and ufologists.

It could very well be a glitch on the sensor, a ghost image from the planet Mercury itself. If you pay close attention, you can see that the two lines follow the same direction that the planet does. But if it's a ghost image, why does it end so abruptly? How is it so well delimited? Why does it look like a spaceship?

The answer, according to Nathan Rich, lead ground system engineer at the United States Naval Research Laboratory in Washington, DC, is in the way the images are post-processed.

Talking to Life's Little Mysteries' Natalie Wolchover, Rich said that these are "artifacts in the background where the planet was on the previous day" which then show up as residual pixels in the processed image:

The pixels which form the two parallel lines are where the circle from the planet and the bleeding pixels (cross-like features) overlap as it progresses across the field.
This is pretty interesting without having to invoke aliens and screw people who don't find science stories interesting!

That's what I'm saying-- nobody gives a shit about "RED SPLOTCH" so they say "OH ALIENS" and then people say "OH COOL" and they click on it and they're like "THAT'S NOT AN ALIEN" but at least they read it, goddamn it.
As much as I'd love for it to be aliens... It's not. :(
Maybe they're from Kepler 22-b. Maybe they know we've found their planet...
As much as I'd love for it to be aliens... It's not. :(

TBH, I would prefer if the Universe was devoid of intelligent life, so that we could go and take whatever we wanted
I'm thinking its some glitch of some sorts. Either way Mercury is still an amazing planet to study
^^ Watched it, and at the end I was like: WAT
I think you'll find Earth is very well prepared for an alien invasion.
