NationStates:The Final Desicion(Mod Idea)



Just to point out, This is a Mod Idea, and I just want to give a unique idea to the community.

*NationStates is a book, and also an online game that plays on the idea of giving you control over your own fictional country. Players Role-play on the boards, and equipment ideas came from ideas I had on there.Names may be changed however, to fit with the creators request(Max Berry).

**I am not a newb to mods, and Im not askign someone to make me this, I am just giving an idea to the community.

2048. In the wake of the Chellian/Pure Evil war, half the world lays in ruin. The area of Lodoss is heavily damaged, just not destroyed because of empire of the eternal dawn's defenses. Nuclear war wasnt possible, due to the vast amount of protection by country's all over the world.The world economy is obliterated, and many countries money becomes worthless. However, it is not an end, but a beginning. Countries, once opposed, joined together to fight the good fight. Militaries around the world, lowered by force. A golden age reaches the world...for a short while...

2054.A Tahar Joballisian scientists creates the Light cannon, a weapon that focuses all light into one area, essentially absorbing unto itself and the ground, and becoming a ball of fire. it pulls light for so long until it starts to deteriorate the landscape and destroy things in a close radius. More and more light gets pulled in, creating a cold around the light and a blistering hot inside of it. when the cannon finally over-powers itself, and cannot control thel ight, a shockwave of heat spreads over a country. The scientist, being greedy, sells it to other countries in hopes of money. He is instead killed, leaving three countries the technology.All three begin experiments.

2061.The world has made lots of progress, and the war seems more like a bad dream now. However, the three countries now terrorize other countries without the technology, to get their way.Later in the year, Tahar Joballissian bombers fly over Chellis. Its evident that the war is started, and all three big countries are prepared.

The storyline starts at 2061. Ground troops cannot be well trusted to keep the country defended, and all three countries developed the airship at the same time. Massive vehicles, heavily armoured, these ships use amazing new technology, allowing them to float in the air without massive usage of energy. A seemingly Air Carrier/battleship. These decide the fate of the world, as these capital ships have light cannons of various degree installed, and while they are powerfull, the whole ship must concentrate its power on using it, leaving it defenseless itself. Troop carrier missiles, mini-fighters, kinetic missiles, all designed to stop other capital ships.

Gameplay:Two capital ships stand off at different sides of the map.People spawn in these ships, and go to get equipped(or stay with a default weapon like a pistol).There are defensive positions on the ships, and automated defenses as well(nothing a few people cant over-come, but enough to stop a sneaky engineer from destroying the ship alone). Troops either stay on their ship to defend, or prepare to attack. Some ships will have troop missiles, 1 time carriers designed to get past all defenses with speed, and get troops into the opposing ship.Mini-fighters, rocket interceptors with a small armament(usually one torpedo-like missile, and 2 mgs), to assault and harass the enemy. Actual bombers(planes with magnetic bombs, meant to attack ships), and even scouts(Planes with the scout ability, will explain later).

some maps, will be attack or defend. One ship is trying to use its light cannon to attack the enemy nation. the other is trying to stop it. the attacker ship cannot use its own weapons, as it is using all power to use the light cannon. the defending ship, however, gets mannable battery's used to launch kinetic missiles at the other ship. You need co-ordinates to fire though, and a scout planes scouts co-ordinates. Troop missiles also need co-ordinates, to know where to land. If the attacker isnt stopped in time, the light cannon fires, and the attacker wins. If the defensive ship dies, the defenders automatically lose.

Some maps will have two ships opposing each other, over neutral land or sea, and will both attack each other. There may be a theft mode(CTF), where you have to go steal valuable technology from the enemy(and return it to your base). All countries will be differently equipped, and have unique equipment.Equipment will work by prestige, which you slowly gain for playing. When youstart, you have enough to pick from a few classes, and the mo0re you play(and do well), the more classes you can "buy". Once bought, you may continuously use that class the rest of the game.You equip yourself intra-ship.

The game is basically kill the other floating ship, with either attack planes, or sabotage, or whatever method(as in, setting up a machine gun at a spawn area and making time run out).

***Names may be changed, and storyline changed/expanded to give a greater understanding.

What do you guys think?
Umm...Im learning modeling, but mostly im a bf1942 modder(coder and mapper). The modding newb comment was about me knowing how mods work generally, instead of me just saying "wouldnt this be cool? make it".