Natural Selection 2 Pre-order Bundle + Competition

Hectic Glenn

Site Director
Staff member
Aug 8, 2004
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[br]Natural Selection is one of the most popular mods for Half-life 1 and as you may know Unknown Worlds have been developing Natural Selection 2 as a commercial product for release this year. A partnership with Wolfire who are developing a title called Overgrowth is now available for only 1 week where both games are bundled together at a discounted price of $39.95.[br]If you have pre-ordered NS2, they can still get a free copy of Overgrowth here. Natural Selection 2 is yet to be confirmed as a Steam title, however the developers are confident Valve will approve it in the near future.[br]For our competition we have 5 bundles to give away including Natural Selection 2 and Overgrowth! To enter read below:
Imagine that in the course of a night, the entire human race had disappeared off the face of the Earth for reasons unknown, leaving everything behind in a pristine condition. Now that there's a huge gap at the top of the food chain, and a whole load of natural selection, which animal do you think will take the throne? We want you to show us how you think animals will evolve with natural selection in the future.
Send your animal and how you think it will evolve (pictures are optional) to [email protected] with your username in the email subject. One entry per user, competition closes 12th January. Good luck.
Was JUST about to post this! :D

I love UW so much.
hey something like this was on a national geographic documentary once
What an indie game bundle?

no the whole "suddenly humans dissapeared leaving the world in a prsitine condition" though it didnt focused on the evolution of animals but did something about it
How about they show more of the game :|
By disappeared, can it mean "suddenly died", it would make things a lot more interesting if billions of human bodies were laying around the world in terms of evolution.
no the whole "suddenly humans dissapeared leaving the world in a prsitine condition" though it didnt focused on the evolution of animals but did something about it

I'm pretty sure I saw something on the Discovery Channel that was like this, except they did focus on the evolution of animals.
It has been discussed before many times, in fact Richard Dawkins has hypothesised what he believes will happen too (which I'm inclined to agree with). Anyway, it's not all about being an evolutionary's a competition and a bit of fun. Be creative, be reasonable, be ridiculous!? You choose!
I would totally do something to do with Giraffes. Street-lamp natural camouflage? The ultimate city predator.
God damn I wish I wasn't a staff member, I would ****ing love a free copy of NS2.
I already got my copy of NS2 special edition, so I just received a free game (Overgrowth). Go me!
Damn it.
I saw "Natural Selection 2..." in the news when I logged onto the forum and got super excited.
Thought we were going to finally see it come to Steam and maybe get an announcement dealing with it being playable by the public soon.

Oh well.
Damn it.
I saw "Natural Selection 2..." in the news when I logged onto the forum and got super excited.
Thought we were going to finally see it come to Steam and maybe get an announcement dealing with it being playable by the public soon.

Oh well.
The news post on their website contained this: "We'll also be releasing our alpha to pre-orderers soon!"

Promising enough?
Oh maaaaan I can't wait to pick apart all the inaccuracies in people's entries! :D :D
Have fun failing to spot a joke, PEK!
I think I know which animal it would be but I chose to support a probable runner up instead.
Probably not the most sensible move as I like all my games to be on steam, but parted with £25 to show my support. I have fond memories of NS1.0 which cost nothing but meant a lot, the bunny game I only vaguely remember.

I was suprised to see that both games are using custom made engines instead of licensing existing ones, will be interesting to see how the final quality compares to other big releases.
My prediction. Half of the winners will be people that don't even use these forums.
By disappeared, can it mean "suddenly died", it would make things a lot more interesting if billions of human bodies were laying around the world in terms of evolution.

The bodies aren't there, think about it in terms of evolutionary scale. It doesn't happen overnight, it takes millions of years. The bodies would be there a few weeks and then gone. Evolution isn't likely to occur centred around a few weeks of extra food, there are selection pressures which are more important like the cities humans leave behind.

Silly sausage.
The bodies aren't there, think about it in terms of evolutionary scale. It doesn't happen overnight, it takes millions of years. The bodies would be there a few weeks and then gone. Evolution isn't likely to occur centred around a few weeks of extra food, there are selection pressures which are more important like the cities humans leave behind.

Silly sausage.

Yes, but if there are billions of bodies left in the cities

Certain scavengers will inhabit the area
Evolution isn't likely to occur centred around a few weeks of extra food, there are selection pressures which are more important like the cities humans leave behind.

Silly sausage.

Heh, I kinda centered mine around 5000ish years. But I can back myself up with shoddy reasoning and unconventional facts.

Will the submissions be posted for people to read after the competition closes?
Have idea will draw and submit it tomorrow hopefully.
Maybe some people are rambling incoherently.
It's Tuesday and I'll be judging entries around 3pm GMT (15 hours from now). I'll accept entries up till then. If you don't make the winners list you can still buy the discounted package (for 1 more day only).

Also look out for our other competition later today.
Well a bit later than planned but we have our 5 winners. Thanks to everyone who took part and the tremendous effort some of you put in. Some really detailed entries and varying styles.

The 5 winners are:


I will add their entries below - give me some time to format them for the forum!
I kind of sqee'd a bit when I saw my name on the list. Quite exciting. I really can't wait to read/see the other winning entries as well. I bet they will be quite interesting.
0_0 I...I won?! =O Whoo-hoo! Thank you kindly, dear friend =D

Oh, and I'm not exactly sure how this works, so would you mind clarifying for me how we get the game? =P Thanks, good sir ^_^