Natural selection and humans.


Companion Cube
Oct 6, 2003
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Well, I want to say what i think, and i want to hear what other people think.

I think humans are a paracite to the earth. We ignore natural selection, we help the weak, the disabled, the mental, though as in natural selection, the weak must die. We corrupt the earth with technoledgy, we polute the earth, destroy natural habitat, and as well as make it a hell of a bad place. Mentaly disabled people instead of being eliminated gets to live, making more chance that same genes will get passed through another generation. Alot of humans are not what should be fit for the world, greedy, idiotic, and just plain stupid. I believe a humans intellect should have not been, and should have blend in with the circle of life, instead of coming on the top of the food chain, becoming the dmominant species. I wonder what could have happen if we did not evolve this way. What made humans evolve like this? why not other animals that are quite smart did not get to evolve our way? Is it our biostructure that made us superior? We are bipads, we might be slower running, but we are the superioority of flexibility and mobility. As well as good strength. The way our legs, and our arms are placed, we can have extreme advantage compared to other animals, compared to other animals in the jungle. We can pretty much eat anything. Why did we become so? ruining the natural selection's defination of the survival of the fittest?

P.S. i dont consider humans an animal, but i didnt find a better way to say it.
We adapted faster. We had better brains.
That is one of the many questions in life that may possibly never be answered.
one positive, two negative posts, i feel neglected! hold me someone!
Are you suggesting that we should let the weak die? I don't quite understand the point your trying to put across.
Basically you come across as a teenager trying to be 'deep' - natural selection still exists, but not to the same extent.
all i wanted to know is what you guys think =( saying what i think
ktimekiller said:
spell? =( what i missspell?


The question is, what did you not misspell?:p
well, I think we've pretty much cancelled out evolution of the human species, s othat rules out any need for natural selection, right?

By that, I mean, if we get illnesses, we don't let them stick around or spread enough to let a race-wide adaption, or anything. We make medicines to get rid of them before we really adapt. If there's a food source that poisens us, we don't keep eating it to develop a natural antidote, we jsut stop eating it, we adapt and go on to other thins instead of sticking aorund. we have our own form of evolution- adaption, except we adapt the environment instead of the environment adapting us. we're so loony =P
ktimekiller said:
Well, I want to say what i think, and i want to hear what other people think.

I think humans are a paracite to the earth. We ignore natural selection, we help the weak, the disabled, the mental, though as in natural selection, the weak must die. We corrupt the earth with technoledgy, we polute the earth, destroy natural habitat, and as well as make it a hell of a bad place. Mentaly disabled people instead of being eliminated gets to live, making more chance that same genes will get passed through another generation. Alot of humans are not what should be fit for the world, greedy, idiotic, and just plain stupid. I believe a humans intellect should have not been, and should have blend in with the circle of life, instead of coming on the top of the food chain, becoming the dmominant species. I wonder what could have happen if we did not evolve this way. What made humans evolve like this? why not other animals that are quite smart did not get to evolve our way? Is it our biostructure that made us superior? We are bipads, we might be slower running, but we are the superioority of flexibility and mobility. As well as good strength. The way our legs, and our arms are placed, we can have extreme advantage compared to other animals, compared to other animals in the jungle. We can pretty much eat anything. Why did we become so? ruining the natural selection's defination of the survival of the fittest?

P.S. i dont consider humans an animal, but i didnt find a better way to say it.
Yes, I agree. The Human race is a plauge to this planet and should be eliminated.

We'll start with you. :thumbs:
The advantage we developed, above and beyond any amount of claws, teeth, flexibility, etc., is our cognitive functions. Social functions and language to top this off make us, well, the top of the heap. Sure, every once in a while some goofball gets taken by an :a) lion, b) polar bear, c) school of pirahna (add your favorite here), but if you really didn't want to be consumed by another animal, it wouldn't be a problem. We have only stemmed natural selection - injected some artificial selection perhaps, but we absolutely have not stepped away from it. Is the gene pool becoming contaminated as we allow imperfect genes to remain? Yep. Is that a bad thing? Perhaps. Will it be the downfall of the race? Nope. If things get so bad that the remaining human population is worried about this, they'll do something about it. Now, we don't have to, and we have the luxury of catering to our conscience. We're still coming to equilibrium with our success as a species. If we don't fix things ourselves, nature will. What happens when you put a very successful bacteria in a petri dish with limited (yet renewable) resources? It'll initially grow tremendously fast (as we are now) and reach an equilibrium point and stay there. I don't think we've reached that point yet (debatable), but I think "parasite" is just a point of view. (potāto, potäto). Do you consider plant life to be parasitic? All life strives towards this equilibrium - just because we do it best doesn't mean it's bad. (Although it'll be bad if you're alive when we've overshot the equilibrium and are up for some selection yourself), but the concept itself isn't bad.
We don't really need to be fit any more either. If a huge plague comes along or were all forced to struggle intraspecifically and interspecifically for food, then we will probably have to become a bit more toned in body. But for now we let our cars, cognitive functions, and supermarkets do our hard labor for us.
Paul Simon, "God bless our standard of living, let's keep it that way."
ComradeBadger said:
Come back when you've formed proper views and can spell.

somebodys grouchy, christ

[sarcasm]there is some at least some truth in anything anyone says[/sarcasm]
I beat natural selection over the head with a shovel... ahhhh, technology, sweet isn't it? <kisses the back of his shovel>
omg natural selection is soooo biased towards the aliens. I mean, they have those jumpy-around things with claws and those big cows that eat you aaand they can climb on walls and stuff. all the humans have are little guns that really aren't much use when a bitey thing is jumping at you.
Jangle said:
omg natural selection is soooo biased towards the aliens. I mean, they have big claw things and those big cows that eat you and all the humans have are little guns that really aren't much use when a bitey thing is jumping at you.

In humanese, please?
Raziaar said:
In humanese, please?

自然选择是 被偏心往外籍人。我意味,他们有大爪事并且吃您的那些大母牛并且所有人有是真正地不是用途的小的枪当 事跳跃在您。
I wonder if you would be saying that if you was one of those "weak" you talk about.
babyheadcrab said:
somebodys grouchy, christ

[sarcasm]there is some at least some truth in anything anyone says[/sarcasm]
Yeah I'm not usually like that - it's just I had a discussion related to this recently - it really grates on me when people say that humans have achieved nothing.
OK, I'll go tell my infirmed grandmother that you think we should let her die[/sarcasm]
Raziaar said:
In humanese, please?

(in case you were wondering i was actually talking about the half-life mod natural selection. My comedy stylings are wasted on you ;( )

In relation to the actual topic: I disagree.
ktimekiller, I just felt the need to remind you that we are also a product of natural selection. If we really do create a huge imbalance in nature, we will go exctinct by our own fault and it will all sort itself out.

15357 said:
We adapted faster. We had better brains.

Are you telling me that the smarter a species is the better adapted it is at surviving?

Intelligence is one path of evolution, trunks are another (elephants), long necks yet another (giraffes). Undoubtedly, intelligence has proved to be the most successful path, but it is by far the one that all species follow. Just look at the exctinct coelacanth (which I chose because its exctintion has no relation to humans), and now take the absolutely flourshing earthworm (the majority of world population, surpassing humans and even ants). Which one do you think was smarter? The fish or the stringy bit of flesh which, may I remind you, can be split in half and still survive?
ComradeBadger said:
Yeah I'm not usually like that - it's just I had a discussion related to this recently - it really grates on me when people say that humans have achieved nothing.

Achieved in relation to what? Does nature care whether we built pyramids in Egypt?
We've achieved more than any other species in the history of this planet. Nature doesn't care what we've done but we should. We've achieved things worth recognising - Mankind has walked on the moon..
Earth is not some sort of living animal that wants to be a certain way. To say it's 'corrupted by technology, etc' is kind of dumb, that's a human's view of what "earth should be" (which is also not the majority of human's opinion, most are pro progress)

It's impossible to "ignore natural selection" by its own definition. It just happens, everything is part of it by its own meaning.
No one could have believed that in the early years of the 21st century a mind immeasurably inferior to ours regarded this forum with troll like eyes, and across the
gulf of the internet, slowly, but surely, drew his plans against us.
We have gone a step beyond being the dominant species on this planet, the simple truth now we are at the top of the food chain is we can do as we please.

That doesn't mean we should be, e.g. polluting things, exhausting resources, causing extinction of species but we can because we can basically.

The argument about humans are screwing up natural selection is pure rubbish, the fact is that humans have superseeded it. Your point about disabled people. People with physical disabilities have SO much to give still, they have fully healthy minds which can bring so much to the world, we know that so we help these people have their life. Which is another point. Physically and Mentally ill people deserve a life still surely, i mean if we can give them that then i think we should. We have gone past simple natural selection to have developed social groups, communities, societies and political systems which we live by. These structures of our modern day lives cater for everyone no matter your exceptions.

I'll give you another example, people who are allergic to nuts, or have skin reactions in sunlight or have agoraphobia (fear of open spaces) - these people hunting as prehistoric man couldn't run into a big field, during the day and eat some peanuts, all 3 things would nearly kill them. But because of the systems we have built in modern day these people can live proper lives, we have beaten it.

Humans have not destroyed the system they have gone beyond its control.

Although saying all this, the universe and everything that controls our planet works in equilibrium, everything balances out, even its its in a constant dynamic equilibrium, both sides are constantly trying to level out the changes. But because of that, any system altered will find a balance somehow, and we can change the world as much as we like, but equilibrium will get us back i promise you! Some things for you to think about, hope it was an enlightening read :)
ComradeBadger said:
We've achieved more than any other species in the history of this planet. Nature doesn't care what we've done but we should. We've achieved things worth recognising - Mankind has walked on the moon..

Yeah, I agree we should, but it doesn't really matter to nature, which is the subject of ktimekiller's argument.