Navy SEALs Face Disciplinary Action For Consulting On Medal of Honor


The Freeman
May 7, 2007
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In the press and marketing for its military FPS Medal of Honor, Electronic Arts stressed that it was going for authenticity by consulting with active military personnel. Now, seven of the Navy SEALs that consulted with EA on the game are being disciplined by the military for revealing secrets.

CBS News is reporting that members of SEAL Team Six -- one of whom participated in the killing of notorious terrorist Osama Bin Laden -- will face disciplinary action for the revealing confidential information in during their time consulting on the game. The SEALs were paid for the work by Electronic Arts.

In addition, four members of SEAL Team Six who have moved to other parts of the military since working on Medal of Honor are under investigation. All the SEALs supposedly revealed classified information given to them by the Navy to EA.

According to the report, the seven who have been disciplined received "letters of reprimand" and had half of their pay docked for two months. Apparently, letters of reprimand have a cost to a military career, and have a negative impact on a SEAL's chances for further promotion within the Navy.

Well, I'm sure it was worth it, right!

Looks like they should have kept their lips SEALed.
EA Dev: "Hey guys, thanks for coming in! So Let's get right into it. How did you first find out you would be assassinating Osama Bin Laden?"

SEAL: "Oh.. Uh, about 3 years after it actually happened... yeah."
Marketing bullshit. EA have a history of cooking up controversy for shit games that don't sell well. See: Dante's Inferno, though that was actually average by me.

EA's just trying to stir shit because they probably realized the only retards who will buy this game are AMERIKKKA worshipping mongols and even they have wised up to it or are shelling for BLOPS2.
They should've just put their efforts into BF3 + Expansions.

No one cares about MOHWF.
Man, if this is true, they ran their mouths for a ****ing terrible game.