Nazi Destroyer Princess


Feb 3, 2005
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"People that play these fast-paced games have better vision, better attention and better cognition," said Daphne Bavelier, an assistant professor in the department of brain and cognitive science at the University of Rochester.
Sigmund Tobias of the State University of New York at Albany said an Israeli air force study found that students who played the game "Space Fortress" had better rankings in their pilot training than students who did not.

He added that students who played "pro-social" games that promote cooperation were more likely than others to help out in real-life situations like intervening when someone is being harassed.
Bavelier said playing the kill-or-be-killed games can improve peripheral vision and the ability to see objects at dusk, and the games can even be used to treat amblyopia, or lazy eye, a disorder characterized by indistinct vision in one eye.

She said she believes the games can improve math performance and other brain tasks.

"We are testing this hypothesis that when you play an action video game, what you do is you learn to better allocate your resources," she said. "In a sense you learn to learn. ... You become very good at adapting to whatever is asked of you."
Not everyone is a fan.

Gavin McKiernan, the national grassroots director for the Parents Television Council, an advocacy group concerned about sex and violence in the media, said that when it comes to violent video games, any positive effects are outweighed by the negative.
"As you know, most of us females just hate those action video games," she said. "You don't have to use shooting. You can use, for example, a princess which has a magic wand and whenever she touches something, it turns into a butterfly and sparkles."
"As you know, most of us females just hate those action video games," she said. "You don't have to use shooting. You can use, for example, a princess which has a magic wand and whenever she touches something, it turns into a butterfly and sparkles."


That much sexism and stupidity can not possibly coexist in the same person
Um, dude, could you change the title? Cuz I seriously thought for a moments that a game called Nazi Destroyer Princess actually existed. Don't get our hopes up like that.
Um, dude, could you change the title? Cuz I seriously thought for a moments that a game called Nazi Destroyer Princess actually existed. Don't get our hopes up like that.

Seconded, I came in here with my pants half down ready to fap, and this is what I get? Bunch of tl;dr?
a princess which has a magic wand and whenever she touches something, it turns into a butterfly and sparkles.
Oh, for a truly world class psychiatrist.
Bavelier said playing the kill-or-be-killed games can improve peripheral vision and the ability to see objects at dusk, and the games can even be used to treat amblyopia, or lazy eye, a disorder characterized by indistinct vision in one eye.

She said she believes the games can improve math performance and other brain tasks.

"We are testing this hypothesis that when you play an action video game, what you do is you learn to better allocate your resources," she said. "In a sense you learn to learn. ... You become very good at adapting to whatever is asked of you."


Unfortunately, there aren't many real-life situations where my skills in efficiently making machines of war and sending them out to battle is very useful.

As for FPSs... hmm. I don't think I've ever had to kill multitudes of enemy hordes, so maybe not.
She said she believes the games can improve math performance and other brain tasks.

*<RJMC> almost dies choking*

*clears troat* being someone who plays a lot of games and sucks at maths,I dont confirm that
Um, dude, could you change the title? Cuz I seriously thought for a moments that a game called Nazi Destroyer Princess actually existed. Don't get our hopes up like that.
It does sound really badass doesn't it?

*<RJMC> almost dies choking*

*clears troat* being someone who plays a lot of games and sucks at maths,I dont confirm that
Yeah, same here.
Did you know 0.999... equals 1? Then you're awesome at math.
Man, and all I got for playing video games was a need for glasses.
This thread is now for generating ideas about Nazi Destroyer Princess.

Main character is a princess who fights Nazis
(Melee?) weapon is a wand that turns Nazis into butterflies with a magical burst of sparkles

Not established:
What kind of game is it? Where/when is the game set? Other weapons? Bosses? Other characters? Game mechanics?

I say the game should be a 3rd-person action/adventure.

Also the princess should get a mount at some point, like a pegasus, or a unicorn. Or some kind of...pegacorn. Holy shit that'd be badass.
Also the pegacorn is a robot and the object of the game is to jump platforms while the screen constantly scrolls, if you fall you lose.

I, too, pictured her as a Nazi, not someone who kills them.
Why would a Nazi princess turn people into butterflies? That makes NO sense.

If you want a Nazi princess, make her the main or secondary antagonist. She will be the princess's rival. Let's call her...Agilberta, daughter of The Fuhrer, who rides a mechanical two-headed eagle into battle. Her melee wand burns people with the intensity of a high-capacity furnace.
Why would a Nazi princess turn people into butterflies? That makes NO sense.

If you want a Nazi princess, make her the main or secondary antagonist. She will be the princess's rival. Let's call her...Agilberta, daughter of The Fuhrer, who rides a mechanical two-headed eagle into battle. Her melee wand burns people with the intensity of a high-capacity furnace.

Uhm, you're the only one still riding on the fact that she turns people into butterflies.

I on the other hand think it should be a third person squad based game. You start off with two Stormtroopers at your disposal as you ransack homes and apartments searching for fugitives.
I was going to start adding some ideas but then I realized that I keep picturing her as one of those anime nazi girls (because those are the only hot ones) and you'd all probably tell me to gtfo with my anime ideas, like panty shots and accidentally falling on top of one of her stormtroopers with her breasts right on his face.
You're implying that one of Hitler's highest commanders would be asian.
-I pictured it like the game (can't remember the name) basically a side scrolling beat-em-up like Streets of Rage with cutting edge graphics. 3D side scroller that plays like traditional 2D games.

-The princess is actually a super badass (like Kick Ass)

-A demonic looking machined robot centaur would be cool with me if you must have a mount or whatever.

-extremely and hilariously violent (not necessarily gory)

-obstacles, puzzles, traps, and locked areas

-rage meter or someshit

-beautiful cartoonish artwork

-demon Nazis from hell
Uhm, you're the only one still riding on the fact that she turns people into butterflies.
Look idjit that was the quote that prompted Virus to name the thread what he did. PRINCESS. WAND. BUTTERFLIES. This is fucking established.

However nothing's saying that you couldn't play as the Nazi princess. There could be a dual campaign, one where you play the magical as-yet-unnamed princess and one where you play as the Nazi princess (everyone else cool with Agilberta? It means "sword of combat" in German, I think it's pretty ballsy). The magical princess campaign would be a 3rd person action/adventure/platformer with puzzles and traps as its defining mechanic and the Nazi princess's game would be a 3rd person game where you control a squad of Nazis. You start off with two stormtroopers and work your way up in number and/or quality of units (all the way up to Nazi demons?).

For the setting, I was thinking that the Nazis, wanting to spread their doctrine of MASTER RACE not only across the globe but everywhere in this universe and beyond, have used Nazi Science (Nazi Science is a pronoun) to open portals to other worlds, one of them being the magic-heavy land of the princess. The Nazis want to take back all the knowledge and magical artifacts they can from this world to further their campaign, and The Fuhrer has personally sent his daughter to oversee it, also while eliminating everyone who doesn't look Aryan.

It's the Butterfly Princess's job to stop them.

Also maybe the Butterfly Princess is blond-haired and blue-eyed. Also a badass?
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You're implying that one of Hitler's highest commanders would be asian.

>Implying all anime characters are Asian

That's like saying all american cartoons are white people.
I'd like to add that I think it would be hilarious after you beat the ****ing shit and killed a demon Nazi that it would explode into a beautiful and colorful array of butterflies and dust lighting up the screen and powering up the princess.

I don't like the idea of a Nazi Princess.
I like the idea that defeating enemies would power up the princess. What would it build up towards? Something like increased power or invulnerability? Maybe a powered-up form for a brief duration?
More speed and attack power, maybe even some ninja moves, and/or unleash hordes of flesh eating butterflies... which ravage the nazis in agonizing screams and amazing yet hilarious death animation ... which paint the world colorful...

maybe some of these ideas are throw aways.
Hey, my misinterpretation of the thread title was what started it all!

As for more concrete contributions, I feel that perhaps we should take cues from Okami. Given that all Nazis hate peace and happiness, perhaps they are literally leaching color from the world (a la Saboteur), and your wand sprays color as well as sparkling butterflies.

Also, we need Wolfenstein 3D mecha-Hitler. This is not up for debate.
But they're... not yellow..

Simpsons are yellow.
That's what I mean. I should have singled out the part about american cartoons.

C'mon I haven't .netted in a long time
Wolfenstein 3D mecha-Hitler
I've got three even better words for you: MECHA NAZI PRINCESS.

I dunno about the "sapping colors" idea. Maybe not so much the color of the world, but sucking the magic out of it makes it drab and lifeless? Like trees wilt and grass dies. From the Nazi Princess campaign you'll see it as leaving a swath of destruction in your wake, and from the Magical Princess campaign you might come across areas where Nazis have pillaged and destroyed the land.
I like, I like, but it can't be just generic pillage and plunder. Something more profound than just a burned countryside. The Nazis have to have tangibly sucked happiness, magic, and everything nice from the world, which is why I suggest color. If there are other suggestions for conveying this mood, please make them.

And I think we should reserve the mecha suit for the final battle, kinda like a One Winged Angel kind of scenario, y'know?
I was going to start adding some ideas but then I realized that I keep picturing her as one of those anime nazi girls (because those are the only hot ones) and you'd all probably tell me to gtfo with my anime ideas, like panty shots and accidentally falling on top of one of her stormtroopers with her breasts right on his face.

What the hell, I wanted a game with this topic. Disappoint thread title.
I like, I like, but it can't be just generic pillage and plunder. Something more profound than just a burned countryside. The Nazis have to have tangibly sucked happiness, magic, and everything nice from the world, which is why I suggest color. If there are other suggestions for conveying this mood, please make them.

And I think we should reserve the mecha suit for the final battle, kinda like a One Winged Angel kind of scenario, y'know?
The mech would definitely be a final battle scenario. Robots always make for the best end bosses. Also you brought up another good point, this game needs an awesome soundtrack.

And yeah, I agree that it shouldn't just be generic pillaging and murdering, they should be draining the land of magic which is why it'd look screwed up, but the only reason that I personally don't think it should become desaturated is because that seems somewhat cliche. You could have the palette become darker, more somber, but not black-and-white. If you didn't mean completely black and white, I apologize.

I would've bet money on what I thought this was going to be a link to. I would've put MONEY on it. And I would've lost that money and been mad as hell.

What the hell, I wanted a game with this topic. Disappoint thread title.

Perhaps the land in the Nazis' wake resembles the Dark World from the Silent Hill series. You then come in spraying rainbows and butterflies on your pegacorn.
Someone had better make this game...
I would've bet money on what I thought this was going to be a link to. I would've put MONEY on it. And I would've lost that money and been mad as hell.

Thought I'd try something different than the obvious, seems to have worked.