Near death experience while playing WoW

Agent.M said:
I couldnt agree more, why do people on these boards have so many issues with Americans!?! Are you guys all just a bunch of Euro dorks that have to bitch and trash talk another culture cause you cant get laid!?! They talk shit but wont hesitate for a sec to come crying to us for help when some foreign country is invading. But hey its ok bro they're just jealous cause they cant live here!! :cheers:

It is because of all the negative news that comes out of America. Nothing is positive on the news these days so that is all people see and that is what they judge us from. Don't blame them for's as much their fault as it is ours by focusing on negative media.
it's neither of those reasons ..simply put the news story dictates our reaction ..this story most likely couldnt have existed anywhere but in the US
Glirk Dient said:
It is because of all the negative news that comes out of America. Nothing is positive on the news these days so that is all people see and that is what they judge us from. Don't blame them for's as much their fault as it is ours by focusing on negative media.

Now this is true the media is full of negativity and I can see how these people would get that impression. But I mean comon I would think people are smart enough to realize that's not how everyone is here. On top of that it still doesnt give anyone a valid reason/right to talk shit on an entire country just by the dam news! When It comes down to it, it's simply jealousy IMO.
Agent.M said:
I couldnt agree more, why do people on these boards have so many issues with Americans!?! Are you guys all just a bunch of Euro dorks that have to bitch and trash talk another culture cause you cant get laid!?! They talk shit but wont hesitate for a sec to come crying to us for help when some foreign country is invading. But hey its ok bro they're just jealous cause they cant live here!! :cheers:

I was writing an essay on that nonsense that just came out of your mouth ... i gave up in the end as it would lead nowhere.
Agent.M said:
Now this is true the media is full of negativity and I can see how these people would get that impression. But I mean comon I would think people are smart enough to realize that's not how everyone is here. On top of that it still doesnt give anyone a valid reason/right to talk shit on an entire country just by the dam news! When It comes down to it, it's simply jealousy IMO.

negativity? you mean they should only report happy news?
Solaris said:
Most gun crime is from people who don't have lots of money.

but they have enough to buy a gun?

the cheapest pistol, I have seen to date is still $300
to good ones arent even under $700...
To put my 2 cents in, besides on police officer and sport stores, I've never seen a gun in any of my friend's houses or...anywhere. The most I've ever seen concerning officers and sport stores is pistols, shotguns, and hunting rifles.
People need to stop assuming Americans keep guns just lying around. I've never seen a gun unless it was behind a glass case or in a cop's holster.
223 million firearms in the US ..somebody's gotta have them
Can I just make a point? Do you ever wonder why the media doesn't broadcast every killing and make a big fuss about the danger of guns? It's because all the news / media companies who have any swaying power in America are owned by the same giant corporations that own the Hollywood film giants. America wants people to like guns, so that Americans will watch films involving guns. Sounds stupid, I know, but it's true.

Take Time Warner AOL, for instance. It's a huge company, which owns (as the name implies) Warner Brothers, Time magazine, AOL, Cartoon Network, CNN, numerous recording companies, hundreds upon hundreds of smaller TV channels and magazines and newspapers, and makes over $40 BILLION dollars every year in profit. They use all these assets to the best of their ability; Time magazine will get exclusive interviews with the stars from all the latest Warner Brothers films, for instance. This means people buy the magazine to get the info, and it raises awareness of the film and gets people talking about it.

Similarly, the media corporations are not going to discriminate guns or firearms as a threat, because one of the best selling film genres is "action". There's probably some patriotic notion in there as well - saying guns are bad when your country has just raped another with automatic weaponry wouldn't be such a good idea.

I'm not saying America has a gun problem. I'm saying America needs to stop glorifying guns. The problem isn't that American citizens have access to guns, it's that the entire media industry portrays guns as a weapon of justice, of something a hero can use to save the day, or to liberate a country, or to protect an individuals. Police officers carry guns; it's a simple of authority and power. We are bieng brainwashed into thinking that a gun is a glorious thing.

A little random fact to put the icing on the cake. Tomb Raider contains lots of guns. Lots of shooting. But they had to edit the film because at one point the main character is shown with a knife, in a shot which glamorises the weapon. What the hell? So it's okay to shoot people and feel good about it, but as soon as Lara Croft pulls out a knife the film's a "bad influence"?

*EDIT* Oh and just to say, I don't think all americans are fat / obsessed with guns / stupid, etc. I just think that the media corperations are patronising towards the country, and only think about how they can make a profit. When us Europeans get to see all the American telivision shows and movies, we are looking at something which is patronising, and so we assume the country is stupid. Again, this is the problem. Not the people, but the culture.
Lemonking said:
guns are gloryous :p

But guns are glorious, that's the point! Which of the following is more appealing:

A) A policeman shooting a suspicious looking character in the chest with a handgun, or
B) An unshaven man crabbing someone by the collar, kicking them int he nuts, throwing the to the floor, gouging out their eyes with a spoon, breaking their jaw, cracking their skull against the floor until blood is splattering everywhere, stamping on their chest and finally spitting on their mangled corpse?

What you have to understand is that they're both exactly the same. Apperances [strike]can be[/strike] are misleading. All that matters is person A is killing person B. Yet the gun makes the whole event seem elegant, effortless. Anyone can fire a gun. Anyone can do the right thing. That's why they're appealing. Beating the crap out of someone is disgusting, but it's essentially the same.
And therefore, guns are evil and disgusting.

I refer you all back to any of my antigun antiviolence antideath rants.

- Pax
Well i'm not going to go on about guns, i showed my disgruntlement towards SIGbastard as Stern may remember. Lots of young people come on this gaming site, and being plagued by these killing devices in a way which is real i think is highly irresponsible of the person and selfish. yuck...


One day things might actually be like that.
Drackard said:
I was writing an essay on that nonsense that just came out of your mouth ... i gave up in the end as it would lead nowhere.

Haha you should've kept going I would've liked to have read it!
Suicide42 said:


One day things might actually be like that.
A++++ ebay buyer.

I was very satisfied with the offered items and will surely order some more.

- Pax
Suicide42 said:


One day things might actually be like that.

I hope not. Guns should never be easy to buy for civillians (or never be sold).

banning guns doesn't make you safer

all it does is take power away from civilians. Meaning that the power to deliver deadly force belongs solely to those in authority.

So that if all guns were banned, the police state that most left wingers dread so much could just start doing shit and they'd be powerless to do anything about it. Because they have all the guns.

As for hunting. Hunting is necessary, soley because thanks to our removal of most predators from the environment, humans with guns are just about the only thing keeping deer in check.

Besides how come some person could collect swords, another could collect cars, and another collect bows, but i can't collect guns? If I admire the history and manufacture of weapons, am responsible, and i have the cash to spend. I would really F***ing like to be able to collect them.

Right now I am presently pissed because i've always wanted to at some point buy myself a spas 12 shotgun. I love the aesthetics and design qualities of the gun as well as its flexibility of design. But aparantly in Florida it is considered a destructive device although a saiga 12 shotgun, a magazine fed russian built shotgun that fires semi auto is completely legal. Pure hipocrasy

Gun control laws are mostly politics and for the most part Bullshit.
i think the problem in the states would be the kinds of gun you can get. Let's face it, the general populace has no reason whatsoever to own an ak47. it's not exactly something you'd use deer hunting.
Yeah, there's no legal way to own an actual AK-47. If they have it, it's through illegal means. Davidian Branch comes to mind with their military stockpile.
Flyingdebris said:

banning guns doesn't make you safer

all it does is take power away from civilians. Meaning that the power to deliver deadly force belongs solely to those in authority.

yes because the rest of the world has proven just how detrimental to society an unarmed populace is

Flyingdebris said:
So that if all guns were banned, the police state that most left wingers dread so much could just start doing shit and they'd be powerless to do anything about it. Because they have all the guns.

yes because that's exactly what happened in every country in the world :rolling:

the idea that an armed citizens group will take back the government should the need arise is palpably absurd ..the streets would run red with the blood of it's citizenry

Flyingdebris said:
As for hunting. Hunting is necessary, soley because thanks to our removal of most predators from the environment, humans with guns are just about the only thing keeping deer in check.

so in other words it's much cheaper to kill them than to provide natural habitats. Btw how did the predator population thin out? why are there no wolves any more?

Flyingdebris said:
Besides how come some person could collect swords, another could collect cars, and another collect bows, but i can't collect guns? If I admire the history and manufacture of weapons, am responsible, and i have the cash to spend. I would really F***ing like to be able to collect them.

what makes you think I want you carrying a gun? I cant trust the next guy to do the right thing when coming to a four way stop while driving ..why the hell would I trust someone else with an instrument of death ...I'm sorry but the majority of people are stupid ..I want them nowhere near guns

Flyingdebris said:
Right now I am presently pissed because i've always wanted to at some point buy myself a spas 12 shotgun. I love the aesthetics and design qualities of the gun as well as its flexibility of design. But aparantly in Florida it is considered a destructive device although a saiga 12 shotgun, a magazine fed russian built shotgun that fires semi auto is completely legal. Pure hipocrasy

Gun control laws are mostly politics and for the most part Bullshit.

yes because 500 x the rate of infant mortality because of guns is just utter bullshit
DeusExMachina said:
Yeah, there's no legal way to own an actual AK-47. If they have it, it's through illegal means. Davidian Branch comes to mind with their military stockpile.

IIRC it is legal to own an AK-47 in the US as long as it can only fire semi as opposed to full automatic.

However, I could be wrong.
CptStern said:
yes because the rest of the world has proven just how detrimental to society an unarmed populace is

an armed populace can rebel. It doesn't really happen all that often but it has. A government controlling a country full of unarmed citizens has nothing to fear. At any rate, last i heard the UK's crime rate was higher than ours, and they don't have any guns.

CptStern said:
so in other words it's much cheaper to kill them than to provide natural habitats. Btw how did the predator population thin out? why are there no wolves any more?

yes, pretty much. We don't have the huge masses of canadian wilderness you guys do up north. We pretty much killed or chased off all the wolves. Presently there aren't enough hunters especially in the north east of the US. The deer population up there is incredibly overgrown to the point of causing major traffic accidents

CptStern said:
what makes you think I want you carrying a gun? I cant trust the next guy to do the right thing when coming to a four way stop while driving ..why the hell would I trust someone else with an instrument of death ...I'm sorry but the majority of people are stupid ..I want them nowhere near guns

Exactly why you should have the right to have a gun. You can't trust everyone. If you can't trust everybody to follow laws, respect your rights, life, and property. You should be able to have a means of protecting them by force if necessary.

CptStern said:
yes because 500 x the rate of infant mortality because of guns is just utter bullshit

I find it hard to believe that for every 1 non gun related infant death, there are 500 dead gun downed babies.

I will not get dragged down into a quote war with you stern, i don't have time nor inclination to deliver your volume of posts, quotes, and responses, so if anything, please no more massive amounts of quoting from here on in. My simple pro-gun American brain gets so confused.
My simple pro-gun American brain gets so confused.

I know, I'll try to use simple terms :p

Er, anyway, I don't have much to say (or rather, I REALLY don't want to get dragged into this debate) but I will say this:

The ONLY reason I would ever own a gun is for a rebellion. If the US ends up as a totalitarian state, I want to pop some fascist skulls. Other than that, though, I'm fine thanks.
Flyingdebris said:
an armed populace can rebel. It doesn't really happen all that often but it has. A government controlling a country full of unarmed citizens has nothing to fear. At any rate, last i heard the UK's crime rate was higher than ours, and they don't have any guns.

yes, pretty much. We don't have the huge masses of canadian wilderness you guys do up north. We pretty much killed or chased off all the wolves. Presently there aren't enough hunters especially in the north east of the US. The deer population up there is incredibly overgrown to the point of causing major traffic accidents

Exactly why you should have the right to have a gun. You can't trust everyone. If you can't trust everybody to follow laws, respect your rights, life, and property. You should be able to have a means of protecting them by force if necessary.

I find it hard to believe that for every 1 non gun related infant death, there are 500 dead gun downed babies.

I will not get dragged down into a quote war with you stern, i don't have time nor inclination to deliver your volume of posts, quotes, and responses, so if anything, please no more massive amounts of quoting from here on in. My simple pro-gun American brain gets so confused.

heh that last part made me lol

the 500 x was a generalization

NIA-HIN said:
American children are more at risk from firearms than the children of any other industrialized nation. In one year, firearms killed no children in Japan, 19 in Great Britain, 57 in Germany, 109 in France, 153 in Canada, and 5,285 in the United States. (Centers for Disease Control)

there are hunters in canada, they hunt deer as well, they also rationalise it by saying it keeps the balance ..which is the same for reasoning for the seal hunt and "nuicance bird" culling

wolves were hunted into near extinction

you misunderstand when I say I cant trust the next guy ..that isnt a reason to have guns ..guns wont save you when your idiot neighbour shoots you through his bedroom window because he forgot to unload it before cleaning it. In any event you're more likely to be killed by someone you know rather than a complete stranger
quite true

However in my experience the number of people who are responsible with their weapons greatly outnumber those that make the headlines with their irresposibility.

I don't think the answer is banning guns as much as it is to make sure that those who have them are responsible people. Mandatory training sessions and perhaps some sort of follow up examination to make sure you know EXACTLY what your doing.

When my gun nut uncle took me to a firing range he made sure he had the safety on at all times, that it wasn't being pointed anywhere but down range, that the chamber was always cleared when finished, that he practiced proper trigger discipline, and that he didn't point it at anyone.

So in essence my argument is to put guns only in the hands of people who show the proper disipline, and make sure they learn everything that must be done to ensure safety. If we can do that, we'd have a lot less people blasting holes in mirrors.
Stern, you do realised that a hell of a lot more people die from cars than guns?
Flyingdebris said:
quite true

However in my experience the number of people who are responsible with their weapons greatly outnumber those that make the headlines with their irresposibility.

I don't think the answer is banning guns as much as it is to make sure that those who have them are responsible people. Mandatory training sessions and perhaps some sort of follow up examination to make sure you know EXACTLY what your doing.

When my gun nut uncle took me to a firing range he made sure he had the safety on at all times, that it wasn't being pointed down range, that the chamber was always cleared when finished, that he practiced proper trigger discipline, and that he didn't point it at anyone.

So in essence my argument is to put guns only in the hands of people who show the proper disipline, and make sure they learn everything that must be done to ensure safety. If we can do that, we'd have a lot less people blasting holes in mirrors.

the person who blasted a hole in that mirror was a soldier ..if he doesnt have enough training I dont know who would

the responsible gun owners are not the problem (to an extent and in limited criteria: ie stored safely)

NIA-HIN said:
Studies show that 1 percent of gun stores sell the weapons traced to 57 percent of gun crimes.

most are either stolen, bought from dealer shows/under the table

ríomhaire said:
Stern, you do realised that a hell of a lot more people die from cars than guns?

apples to oranges, far more people drive cars on a daily basis than handle firearms
CptStern said:
apples to oranges, far more people drive cars on a daily basis than handle firearms
But a higher percentage of cars trips end in a crash than gun usages end in someone shooting themselves/someone else.
ríomhaire said:
But a higher percentage of cars trips end in a crash than gun usages end in someone shooting themselves/someone else.

again that has to do with frequency of use but if you have a source that backs that up, please post it
ríomhaire said:
But a higher percentage of cars trips end in a crash than gun usages end in someone shooting themselves/someone else.
Cars are far more nessacary to own than guns.
Whoa, good thing he wasn't flagged :)

(in response to OP, geez what a derail)
he was only one soldier. And apparently an idiot as well. There are idiots in all walks of life.

Just because 1 soldier does something retarded i don't see why everyone else must suffer the consequences. Most soldiers know better anyhow.
I don't follow the path of the bullet. Entry from the mirror is about waist high, exit from the wall about pelvis high, grazed the desk at ascension, ascended 3 or 4 feet to hit a door frame.

Am I looking at it right?