near the end *spoilers*


Sep 3, 2003
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*spoilers* *spoilers* *spoilers**spoilers*

if you haven't had the "cab ride" yet don't read on.

Well anyway, I'm think I'm quite near the end of the game, during a cab ride out of LA I chose to turn back and face LaCroix and Ming Xiu (however you spell her name) I went through Ming Xiu's temple (which took me bloody ages btw) and I eventually got to Ming Xiu anyway if you haven't reached her yet stop now.

Well she turns into a big slimy thing that you've gotta kill, I have two of those bloodpack's the restore your health and blood fully and I'm using a Katana as a weapon. Is it just me or is this boss fight near impossible? I must be missing something because it takes 5 or 6 hits just dent the slimy things health! Not only that but the damn this replicate's itself meaning while you're trying to kill Ming Xiu you've got another one slapping you around silly from behind. I must have got to her too early or something, because she's bloody impossible! Is there a quicker/better way?
The way I killed her was to hack off her tentacles and attack her directly. I was using guns, so I don't know how difficult it will be for melee.
Yeah I've done it now, it was really just hacking at her until she went down and making sure to take out the little worms.
I cheat :p give me t3h bloodpacks, couldn't be bothered with it.