Neat Point in Ravenholm Vid

i HATE the new zombie sounds. they sound like some fat guy with his hand over his mouth trying to muffle his voice to sound like a zombie. D-Grade horror movie style.
How could they scream like that when they have a headcrab covering their mouths?
It should be a gurgling/hissing sound like hl1 :)
Wesisapie said:
i HATE the new zombie sounds. they sound like some fat guy with his hand over his mouth trying to muffle his voice to sound like a zombie. D-Grade horror movie style.
How could they scream like that when they have a headcrab covering their mouths?
It should be a gurgling/hissing sound like hl1 :)

Well (think Alien) maybe the "appendage" is not fully blocking the airway because the HC has yet to "set to roost".
Aknot said:
Hey did you ever think they were on to something. MAYBE they are trying to help yet everyone that is left doesnt want to "move" to safer places so 17 is the best and the combine is just giving some "tough" love...... It could happen, we were wrong about the aliens in the first HL.......
Well, I'm sure it's possible, but they seem like oppressive scum that need shot, and it justifies my shooting them. Isn't rationalization great! :D

Man.. we need HL2 pretty fast. :p
it still sounds like a fat nerd with his hand over his mouth though.
the zombies sound/look badass. theyre one of my favorite enemies. i love how valve has given them human characteristics that elicit emotional responses such as screaming and reacting to pain. i look at killing them as releiving them of their pain. this is what i think father grigori is into as well. i think he made traptown to "free" those who are infested. i think killing zombies is his "work of salvation" he speaks about in the e32k4 video.
but the zombies arent fat, i dont understand why they sound so fat
People, under duress, make noises that you would swear could not come from a human mouth. It's no biggie to me, hehe.
So how exactly does a fat person sound? I don't notice any difference in a fat persons voice and a skinny persons voice. Unless they are extremely obese, then they start getting a stronger voice.
I still don't think the zombies are screaming anything in English. I think we're just trying to hear English in what they're saying.

Granted, it's creepy as **** to think that the human is still alive in there, and in excruciating torture, but if that were the case, wouldn't they be screaming all the time? It's not like the pain only begins AFTER you catch fire...

The headcrab takes over the entire nervous system, which includes the pain sensations. When you set a zombie on fire, it's the headcrab screaming -- he's just using the human's voice to do it. Which itself is plenty creepy, to hear a dead man scream. We'll probably learn more about it in the game, but I'm sure that the headcrab doesn't leave enough brain for the victim to still function as anything other than a shell.
i preferred the people burning sounds from command and conquer.

AAA AAAaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

also, if you cant tell the difference between a fat person and a thin persons voice, there's something wrong with you.
You could rationalize it as the pain sort of breaks the headcrab's control of their nervous system and allows them to at least speak.
Wesisapie said:
also, if you cant tell the difference between a fat person and a thin persons voice, there's something wrong with you.
Atomi said:
The scream the zombie makes when on fire is nice :D

Agreed! :cheers: My brother said it sounded crap. I could see why
people would dislike it. It's right up my alley though.
The zombies in Ravensholme seem "fresher" than the ones that were at Black Mesa... they still have entire heads (the BMRF zombies just had skulls underneath the headcrabs), and the gashes in their chests haven't fully mutated into mouths yet...

I haven't got the binks yet, so the only zombie sounds I've heard are the ones from the E3 2004 shakycam vid, but they sure do sound like they're talking...
Atomi said:
The scream the zombie makes when on fire is nice :D

I think they sound kinda stupid, just sounds way too comic imo, but I can live with it - won't ruin the game or anything.
This isn't worth making a new thread, but something is bugging me in the Ravenholm Bink.

It is in the first half of the bink when he throws a barrel with the manipulator down the hallway (in the saw mill) and it explodes and the zombies die. He walks down the hallway, turns around and you see another zombie. He finds an explosive canister, and launches it at the zombie. After it explodes you see a wood plank go from the ground to the ceiling in slow motion. Anybody else notice this, its been driving me crazy.

I needed to tell somebody. :)
Heh, just caught that. Dunno if it's some kind of video playback issue or what, but it IS funky looking.
i like how they made the zombies actually somewhat disturbing in HL2. i dont care what anybody says, you can hear them SCREAMING, in english.
at HL2fallout, someone said he heard farther gieriory talking when gorden [pushes the 2 blocks of wood in the second warehouse (Before the headcrab attacks)
That screaming. Its both funny sounding and terrifying and the same time. It wouldn't be as bad if those were just aliens, but they're half alive (I guess) human beings which makes it really creepy/disturbing.
It will make me think twice about setting some zombies on fire, I can tell you that.
One thing that puzzles me is that when the zombies are on fire how can they scream? If the human was already dead, and the headcrab is alive....

Well i dont think headcrabs could scream right?
The headcrap is simply a parasite which takes control of the body and can alter its genetic structure (like growing huge claws).
it has to be dead, thats what makes it a zombie... the body is just being controlled...
Reaperman said:
it has to be dead, thats what makes it a zombie... the body is just being controlled...
That's one defenition of zombie.
The old one. Even in some movies nowdays, a zombie is a living creature without higher brain functions.

I reckon the HL2 zombies (at least the fresh ones) have been disconnected from their own motor nervous system by the headcrabs, but the other bits, like the brain, are at least still partially functional...