Neck beards


Jun 11, 2003
Reaction score
If you have a neck beard and don't do some form of carpentry or something, shave it, it's disgusting
i got rid of my chesthair, too. looks so fancy now.
I have one but that's more to do with laziness. Also I have long hair, so I'm pulling of the rugged masculine look.. or something. Planning on having my hair sorted out and getting an upper body wax so I'll lose the facial hair then.

The bottom half, around the neck
I had one beginning to appear. I soon got the razer to it :)
It looks good on some people and shit on others. If you keep it pretty short and stlyish it isn't bad
Real men have full body beards. Sissy men are afraid of hair.
Full body beards? Like, beards that cover their entire bodies?


...apparently "real men" are gorillas :O
Wookiee has two e's fool.

*goes back in corner and sobs*
HAHAHAA this thread owns!!!i just saw the title and lolled. neckbearded people make me laugh
eric bauman from ebaumsworld has a neckbeard

that means neckbeards are t3h suck
It might look OK on some people, but I think it's just not giving a **** that gets people to grow this crap. It's so easy to grab an electric shaver and touch up your cheeks and mustache, but shaving your neck ****ing sucks.

Shaving was OK for the first.. like 10 years, but after 13 years, it's a pain in the ass, and I hardly give a ****. I go out with blotches of areas I missed and shit. .. I act like it's the new style... the blotch of hair on my jaw or something. >=)

Shaving your neck is difficult because it is so curvy. If you shave every day, or every other day, it's manageable, but if you neglect it and it gets long...after you shave it, it hurts like shit and burns like hell for the whole day, because the skin here flexes so much, and when you look down for a bit, it gets sweat in the cuts.. ouch, and even leaves red marks.
Neck beards look good as long as they're not too long. If your beard is getting long then it just looks a mess.