Need 4 Speed Hot Pursuit 2010

Bright colorful envirionments, exotic cars, arcade goodness. Could it be that the old NFS is back? Sounds too good to be true.

Let us know how the demo is.
Demo is stuck at 1% and is labeled Official Demo. Description is all ****ed too. I am no longer downloading N4S though...

Not a good sign already.

EDIT: Restarted the download and it jumped to 6%. Says you will need an EA account to play :/
I wasn't interested at all, until I started reading up on it. Now the game looks like something I want to get!
Almost 4 hours later and its only 50% done. Probably wont get to try it until Sunday or Monday....
This game......


Better then Hot Pursuit 2 was. Did a Race Takedown (playing as a cop) and saw the Ford Crown Vic is back. Very Arcade styled, so far I've only seen some imports (Nissan 350z's and an Impreza WRX) but they weren't in the style of previous N4S street racing games. One event has put this onto my must own list. Game is ****ing good. Can't wait to try the online multiplayer.

Full game is going to have open-world driving. That. Sounds. Epic.
Yup, theres a police version too (not in the demo though).

Ran an RX-8 off the road in my Crown Vic. The wrecks are very well done. No surprise from the creators of Burnout though.
Tried the demo and, honestly, thought it was pretty bland. Maybe the full game will change my mind, but... eh.

Edit: Also, I hear there's no split-screen multi. LOL.
Game came out today, I picked up my copy. I'll be playing it later tonight, so expect a review/first impression a little later.
Pro Street didn't, and I don't think Shift did either. The other Hot Pursuits were not open world.
Die street racer scum!!

I'd give the game a solid 7 out of 10.

To start, the game prompted me to enter a passcode for bonus info, or if I wanted to buy one. I simply skipped it because I just want to ride around busting street racers. This is where the game loses its first point, it then has to advertise the next Need for Speed, which will be Shift 2. Didn't care for Shift, and I didn't want to sit through a 3 minute ad for another game I won't be buying. Then it finally gets to the main menu, and a tutorial (that is not skippable) for something called Autolog plays. I still don't know exactly what this is, other then it keeps track of your progress, but there's no point in having an unskippable tutorial for how to press a button (its in the main menu ffs).

Finally the annoying announcer says "To begin, go to Career" and so I am on my way. To start, there is one race and one police event. Being that this is Hot Pursuit, I went right for the police mission. Another unskippable tutorial that told me "Just smash into the racers" but took a few minutes to get there. To start, the Ford Crown Victoria is the only available car and there is a description of it at the bottom of the screen, but the announcer took over and the camera focused in on the car while she read the description to me. Thanks bitch, can I play now? Yes. And it was....pretty fun. It looks very pretty and sounds good, and the cars handle about ok. Another point lost is due to the crash cam, I know Criterion made Burnout and is grand at making crash cams, but the wrecks in this aren't as spectacular and any immersion you may have had is broken because every 30 seconds there is a cinematic slo-mo camera focused on someone rolling over. This goes for everytime you crash or hit/get a hit with a spike strip.

The races are nowhere near long enough and I was unlocking cars left and right, and I already have some of the better cars (like some Maserati) but I'm sure the vehicles will become fewer and further in between as I progress. Overall I'm enjoying the game, but after an hour and a half of playing I got bored of it and went to play Black Ops. Of course I'm not completely bored, it is a fun game, just not for extended periods of time.
Its a matter of taste honestly. I find them both to be on an equal level. Most Wanted was fun because of the vehicle customization and the police chases were pretty good. Hot Pursuit doesn't have any vehicle customization and I don't know how the chases are on the racer side as I've only done the police stuff but from what I can see it looks intense, dodging choppers and spike stripes and roadblocks while trying to stay in first and what not.

Most Wanted is a fun, free-roaming, street racer game.

Hot Pursuit is a fun, fast paced police chase of a game.
I've just started playing it too, and it's a mixed bag.
On the one had I like it because it feels like NFS has finaly gone back to the basics: exotic cars, scenic locations, and simple arcade gameplay.
The graphics are also very nice, and the police chases are a blast, especially since you can destroy the cop cars, including other competitors.

However there are some things that bother me.
Like Frosted already mentioned, it first seriously tested my patience with all the clips, adds, tutorial videos etc. before even geting to the damn menu screen!
The automated car presentation with the annoying voice is also tiresome.
If I want to see all these tutorials, info videos etc. I'll damn well start them myself, DON'T SHOVE THEM DOWN MY THROAT GOD DAMN IT!

As for the actual gameplay it's pretty fun, however I have the bad feeling that this game has that rubber banding AI mechanic just like Split Second.
I think it's higly likely since there doesn't seem to be any way you can choose a difficulty setting.
At first it wasn't noticeable, but after playing for a while it's gotten to the point where if I make even a little mistake I'm immediately in last place. They catch up to you easily, and they take difficult curves with ease.
I don't play games like these for the chalage, so yeah, I want my dumb ai oponents back.
Remus, I noticed this too. Particularly in the cornering. One thing it seemed is that drifting and powersliding is your best friend for tight turns. I'm not too big a fan of games where drifting is a skill you HAVE to master to stand a chance, but at least its easy to start sliding around (hit the e-brake and ease into the turn)
Pitz, you should just get Hot Pursuit, there is an RX-8 as both a street and a cop car.

Plus GT5 will be delayed again.
Oh god Giant Bomb is awesome.

"I need Brembro brakes on this thing!"

Hot Pursuit is definitely more worthy of maybe a 40 dollar price tag, and none of the unskippable ads will come back after the first time.

17:35 and on is amazing.

$105 hahahahahah

Also, I've noticed that the chick reads off the whole car description, unless you skip it. Then she does it again next time. But if you let her read the whole damn thing, then the next time, I don't think she reads it...
So what is everybody's gamer tags?



I played for 2 hours before it gets a little boring, which is a lot longer then most racing games manage to hold my interest.
Another point lost is due to the crash cam, I know Criterion made Burnout and is grand at making crash cams, but the wrecks in this aren't as spectacular and any immersion you may have had is broken because every 30 seconds there is a cinematic slo-mo camera focused on someone rolling over. This goes for everytime you crash or hit/get a hit with a spike strip.
Ugh, this was my number one complaint with Paradise, good to see they didn't bother fixing it! In every prior Burnout they included an option to turn off the crash camera, but I guess at some point they started caring less about actually letting you play the game and more about forcing you to look at their pretty pretty crashes.
Well that explains why your tag comes up invalid.

I'm on 360.
Oh, hehe.

I wish that, even if cross platform we couldn't compete, if we could at least compare times and records on the wall...
One thing I love about the 360 version, if you turn off the EA soundtrack, and you can use music on your xbox hard drive, or music off an MP3 player. Basically any game can have custom soundtracks, just a matter of turning down/off the game music.
Yeah... because obviously you can't do that on a PC.
Yeah and you can do that in pretty much every game. Music player of choice + global hotkeys and you're set.
Yeah... because obviously you can't do that on a PC.

I'm sure you obviously can, but quite a few people I've spoken to about the game hate the EA Trax, turn them off and play with no music.

I can't imagine playing a Need For Speed game without decent background music.
Terrible game is terrible. All you do is spam the NOS and drift from left to right. What a bore of a game.

If you want a fun, arcade driving game, get Burnout Paradise instead.
Terrible game is terrible. All you do is spam the NOS and drift from left to right. What a bore of a game.

If you want a fun, arcade driving game, get Burnout Paradise instead.

Paradise was fun, but it got very boring after oh so long.

I really wanted to like the Cops and Robbers update, but I just couldn't find myself having fun. This game is like that update except it actually works.

Is the Hot Pursuit free roam multiplayer too? Figured out how to do it SP, but there is really no point other then to photograph the car.