new mass effect vide, hot damn !

Dragon Age isn't an mmo, but apparently they are working on one.
Geez! How can you guys not have heard of Dragon Age? A 'spiritual successor' to Baldur's Gate and you've never heard of it?! Shocking. It sounds like it could be absolutely amazing--a blending of NWN, KOTOR, and BG??? Wow. And to hear that at E3 2004 it actually looked better than its concept art is just icing on the cake. Now where's the screenies??!!

Mass Effect will be good as long as there are huge environments on each world and not just a couple of places to visit. The idea of conquering the galaxy is great, but I imagine its a logistic nightmare!
This game makes me smily of joy like when I first played Torment.

I hope Obsidian gets to do a next-gen KOTOR and lets us play as Revan again.

I got all teary-eyed when I met Carth in KOTOR 2 and he wanted to know if Revan was still alive, doing good things.
Warbie said:
Dragon Age isn't an mmo, but apparently they are working on one.
Ops. It's an RPG. Yea, I was reading about more than one of their projects and mixed them up.
Cerpin said:
This game makes me smily of joy like when I first played Torment.

I hope Obsidian gets to do a next-gen KOTOR and lets us play as Revan again.

I got all teary-eyed when I met Carth in KOTOR 2 and he wanted to know if Revan was still alive, doing good things.

I'm curious Cerpin, is your avatar of Agent Cooper from Twin Peaks?