Need a good tutorial :-/

Dec 12, 2005
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Can someone direct me to a good tutorial to make movies in GMod/SDK?

Basically i just want to know how to setup up a scene with the needed NPCs, and then record them in whatever else doing as I say, ex, making a guy hidden behind a box then standing up. Thanks! Wasn't sure where to post this.
-) put that in ur autoexec.cfg
bind "F11" "host_framerate 30; startmovie temp"
bind "F12" "endmovie"
-) record demos while u play
-) run the demo
-) press f11 to start recording
-) press f12 to stop recording
-) download virtualdub
-) file -> open video -> image sequence
-) select the first of the .tga files (should be named mapnam_tmp_0000.tga)
-) audio -> wav audio -> temp.wav in the hl2 directory
-) file -> save avi -> select destination and name

Recording movies: type 'record <filename>' into the console
To play them 'playdemo <filename>'.

Audio tip: run 2 channels sound when recording the movie, 5.1 won't work.

Video tip: if you don't know Virtualdub, under 'video' there's a button compression that allows you to set the compression (DivX). Oh yeah, make sure you have a few gig free disk space, because this will output 30 x 2.25 MB images for every second of film.
Awesome... Now if I create an NPC in Gmod, is there a way I can assign him a specific motion to perform at my command? Like tell him to start out crouched behind a back, then stand up?
I don't really know if you can make npc's crouch in Gmod, but I do know that when an NPC is hit by an antlion guard but isn't killed it goes into a crouch animation and then gets back up. :D

That's all I can really think of, good luck lol. :p
You'd probably have to do some animation outside of Gmod for this....and yea wrong forum
losermeetsworld said:
Awesome... Now if I create an NPC in Gmod, is there a way I can assign him a specific motion to perform at my command? Like tell him to start out crouched behind a back, then stand up?
Get G-Mod Plus.

Oh, and I think you can do it from console commands.