Need a new 'old' graphics card


The Freeman
Aug 3, 2005
Reaction score
So the good old bfg 7950gt oc finally crapped out since I forgot to install rivatuner to keep it from overheating after giving my old computer to my bro. So it's artifacting constantly now and games just don't work (starting yesterday, it won't even boot into windows without BSOD). I installed an old nvidia 6800 for now and it's working fine but it can't even play Mass Effect. So I'm in the market for something compatible with the old pc:

AMD 3800+ X2
1.5gig ddr1 ram
550w (38a on 12v)

Card can't be too long (more than 8").

Basically looking to play games as new as Mass Effect 2. With the 6800, the first Mass Effect is a slideshow in outdoor environments (min settings).
I have a GTX260 that I could send you for free.It's just collecting dust.
Yeah that looks pretty good, performs similarly to my old 7950 too.
aight PM me ur address.I sadly won't be able to test them first but they've been sitting under my desk so they should be good.
I'll send it on Friday.
Wow, this is Christmas spirit. Congrats on the GFX card DEATHMASTER, and good job unozero!
ITT we learn that Christmas isn't dead and people are actually awesome.
I just came to say that you are awesome unozero!
Merry Christmas both of you!
gonna be running late with shipping it I worked 10 hours today.I''l try to get it off on the way too work in the morning,Monday morning at the latest.Promised.
UPs said you should have it on Tuesday Morning DeathMaster
I got the package. I'm guessing I'll need new thermal paste for the processor? (Uno also sent an AMD 6000+ X2).
The graphics card works great! How much vram is it supposed to have? dxdiag tells me 1gb.
I'm not sure it's been so long iirc it was either 512mb or 768mb
glad you got the package!
ur right 256mb does make more sense for that time period.