Need an HL2 weapons expert :)

Fine i just want everyone to read what i posted you didnt understand, Valve gave us all that media so that we actually have proof the game exists, unlike DukeNukemForever which u could honostly say doesnt exist because all of the media we knew is scrapped and is now being worked out, but as of right now there is no proof that DNF is working, UNlike DFN Valve actually has a working product and by showing us videos of it and other media, we know for a fact that Halfife2 does exist, The game does have AI, IT does have Sound and it does have a plot with characters and physics, This is why game developers release footage, they prove to the public they are doing their job and that the audience will be pleased. The end

Anyone with eyesight can see the difference????
I did indeed read what you tryed to type. If you approve of valve releasing these videos to the public, than why are you complaining about the content of the videos?
FreemanHL2 said:
It is not a rifle, I have watched the video and it is a fully-automatic weopon.

It is a new gun that we haven't seen before, if you look at the screenshot below you can see it in the inventory. :E

Also, in the video with the buggy and the house, he selects that same weapon in the inventory and gets... The disintegrator gun!
The contect of the videos were there once agian to prove the existence of the work that valve is doing, its nothing more. You guys should just watch it and then be more excited about it. Then go on with your lives, discuss how halflife2 is gonna be more than just another game, and then just wait patiently.
Mechagodzilla said:
Also, in the video with the buggy and the house, he selects that same weapon in the inventory and gets... The disintegrator gun!

Exactly, the player selected the IRifle. As the primary could either be the disintegrating blast and god knows what other mode the gun has. Just watch the e3 2k4 footage.
I dont think this topic needs to contine any longer, we already figured out the answer, the darn weapon is a IRifle its been said many times, we need less topics about small details and more topics on General things that keep the thread alive more than 3-4 pages.
Why are we comparing the picture with the weapon-select with the picture of the NPC with the big gun? ..?
hmmm..maybe the blue guy is holding an m60. It looks pretty dang close.
It's the I-Rifle, Gordon uses it in the E32k4 video after he stops in his buggy and goes inside a house. He seems to use the secondary fire which expends 20 rounds of ammo and gives the same body-incinerating after effect as the Strider cannon. The NPC's seem to use the primary fire which fires like a machine gun, similar to the strider's machine gun.
hey guys, I just found out that the second version of gravity gun will be in the game!
Nex321 said:
hey guys, I just found out that the second version of gravity gun will be in the game!

With no proof or visible source, I doubt many will beleive you.
Nex321 said:
*cough*half life 2 beta*cough*

The beta is more than a year old, it's already known that it was used simply for demonstration purposes.

*cough* troll *cough*
The "second version of the gravity gun" (blue beam) will not be in the game. One of the VALVe guys said it wouldn't, in a post on these very forums.
To me the one you higlighted looks like a sort of M60 or Minimi that has some sort of plasma firing end to it lol and the othe gun that the guy on the right is holding looks strange too, sort of like a RPG but it looks very different to the one we see Mr Freeman holding thats for sure.
