Need critiques and suggestions for my Mp5A4 skin

  • Thread starter Thread starter SW-14
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look lovely. the only thing i would say is the butt needs a little touching up. it looks a little too...dodged. like you used to finger blur a bit much.. maybe it's just my imagination.
Originally posted by BreakPoint
ehat mod it for?

it's probably not for a mod, it seems the first model you make has to be an mp5... it's some sort of wierd ritual. Or H&K are sponsoring people, buying them copies of max in exchange for posting loads of mp5 pics...
Its looking good SW-14 , are you having a hard time on Trauma Studio finding more Texture artist´s .. ^^ .....
I would love to see some more japanese weaponeary instead of all those mp5's and *stuff*.

a sweet and detailed textured katana would tickle my fancy :)

STONE Edit: should know better Evil, tut tut :P
Originally posted by derby
it's probably not for a mod, it seems the first model you make has to be an mp5... it's some sort of wierd ritual. Or H&K are sponsoring people, buying them copies of max in exchange for posting loads of mp5 pics...

It's for Desert Combat. And believe me..this is not my first model.
hehe SW-14's first model. i dont think so, he obviously doesnt play DC. aniways, i like it, except on the 1 side, with the selecta and stuff, theres lot goin on, but on the other, theres nout. also, at the top of the handle, i dont think there shud b that much highlight on it, not so bright. and yeah, the stock needs a bit more work.

aniways, lookin good. btw isnt it going to hav a scope animore ?? hmm :naughty:
heh...not bad...not as good as ctsketchs (:afro: ) ofcouse...but not bad...;)

it looks good but not as "clean" for some reason. I suppose the blotchiness of the stock kind of looks awkward...but for not being a texture artist its pretty good work...

why are you in the HL2 forums anyways? thoughts of switching over?
hmm DC for HL2, could be cool. would seem natural with the talent they got on that team it would be an incredible mod. It's great for BF but man with and SDK at their disposal.... and bltchiness was the word i was looking for thanks senses. but again it looks really good.
VERY nice modeling.. extremely nice skinning. Keep up the good work.
No, we're not moving to HL2. And thanks for the suggestions everyone, I'll work on the stock some. This is my 3rd or 4th (can't remember) complete skin.
Looking very good, will this replace the spec ops weapon?
not as good as ctsketchs
Maybe you are reffering to the skinning but sketch doesn't do modeling.
well nice work sw-14 the skin is a lil to blurred and dodged up for my fancy tho u dont get a metal feel out of it.
anyway are we to presume that dc is gonna hit hl2?
Originally posted by SW-14
No, we're not moving to HL2. And thanks for the suggestions everyone, I'll work on the stock some. This is my 3rd or 4th (can't remember) complete skin.

You obviously cant read Mindless .. ;)
But isn't that an mp5a1 and not an a4? What accessories makes it an a4? The skin is superior to most mp5 skins I've ever seen in my short life.
ow ye. They are loading now. Looks prity good. Nothing special though.
Very cool. Can't wait until next version of DC.(the current MP5 looks ugly.)
Originally posted by mindless_moder
well nice work sw-14 the skin is a lil to blurred and dodged up for my fancy tho u dont get a metal feel out of it.
anyway are we to presume that dc is gonna hit hl2?

I didn't use the blur or dodge tool to make it, but I know what you mean. :) Still working on my skills, this is my 3rd or 4th complete skin. I don't remember exactly.
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