Need Help Badly

operative x

Sep 22, 2003
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Ok, i messed up a wordpad file of mine that had IMPORTANT information by putting an image into the file. Right as i put an image into the document, and saved it. It deleted all the text starting from the image to the bottom of the page. So now i have a half a page missing that was INCREDIBLY important. Is there a way i that my comp can restore all changes i made to the previous day? I heard that windows can somehow go back to the previous day but i dont know how. Is it possible to go back to the previous day?
It's called system restore. Windows will make a restore point arount once a month (I think. Possibly wrong) other than that, you have to make points yourself.

So unless you made a point yesterday, welcom to being boned :cheers:
o dear lord, system restore was turned off.... I am officialy ******
wow i am not really against MS but after this, **** microsoft, they can't even code a decent word processor.
lol, so you deleted half you file and its microsofts fault? I have no love for MS, but thats taking the piss mate.

If you mean its important as in its worth money, take it to a data recovery specialist. If you mean important in that you don't want to have to rewrite it, then I'm afraid your a bit stuffed. You can try searching google for data recovery software, but I wouldn't hold my breath.
System restore only returns system settings, we'd need 5tb harddrives to be able to fully image our drives regulary o_0