Need help creating a mod mixing CS and GTA!



I've been developing one particular game idea for a couple of years now. Since it's very complicated, I developed a more simple version of it that would be cool as a total/partial conversion mod. Basically it mixes CS and GTA.

I'm a musician and got the tools for making music for the mod if people get interested. Let's get on to the basic stuff.

Picture this: we have a city like in GTA, not so large though. AI cars but no AI police. People walking around etc. Now, there are two teams: terrorists and counter-terrorists (who would have guessed). There is only 1 or probably 2 cities but each have many locations and objectives. So that there would be only a couple of maps but lots of variation in locations. For example in City 1 could be objectives like steal a bank, explode a building, rescue a hostage, hijack an armored van or an airplane etc. And each round could have several objectives. For example explode a building and hijack a van could be both in the same round and the building that should be destroyed would be different on some another round. After each round, the setup of different objective combinations and locations would be different so that you wouldn't have to play two same setups in a row. It requires less mapping but still makes the rounds feel different. For example in the first round as a CT you would have to prevent a hijack and after that on the second round you would have to rescue the hostages. Map would change after some rounds.

Money system would be different from the one in CS. As an addition to CS, there would be a team's common account. For example 15% of players income (taxes) would be transferred to the common account. The common account is for additional stuff like armored vehicles. Each succeeded objective would give you money the amount it offers. For example by exploding a building each player would get $3500 -taxes (15%). So each player would get $2975 to their personal account and the common account of your team would get 15% of the total income. If there was 8 players in a team and each got 3500 -taxes, it would give 4200 to the common account. With that money on the common account your team is able to buy armored vehicles. You will also give that 15% of the income to the common account if you kill an opponent. If you kill your teammate, you will lose money only from your personal account. If you don't succeed in a mission, the opponent will get the corresponding money. You pay taxes from every income. Also, money could be transfered from the common account to each personal account if the team thinks that otherwise that money is in no use. Every player gets the same amount of money during the transfer.

Armored vehicles are for shelter in combat. If you have an armored vehicle, you are able to use it in the same map until it's destroyed. You can use it from round to another but it will not get any repairs. It's health is getting lower and lower all the time, and once it explodes you don't want to be around. If you succeed in an objective where you hijack an armored van for example, not only you get money for your team but you also get the van for yourself for upcoming rounds.

Team leader is the person who makes decisision about armored vehicles. He can buy one if he likes and if common account has the money. Different vehicles can carry different amount of players and has different amount of windows to shoot out from. Armor is also varied. Once an armored vehicle has been bought, it is parked near the spawn point and is in free use. Once a round starts, the vehicle will automatically return to the parking slot till it's destroyed.

The player who first joins a team is the leader. Another leader can be voted if the current is not good enough. Once the current leader leaves the game, the player with second highest score will be the new leader.

Buying an armored vehicle can also be voted.

Each player will see a little map showing current objective locations and where teammates are going.

CT's get normal police cars or similar which they can use to get to the objectives but their armor is limited. T's can steal normal cars. You can take your teammates in the car and shoot out from the windows. But remember that if enemies explode the car, all the players inside are dead. :sniper:

If a player dies, he will have to wait for the next round. He loses his weapons but not his money.

More about this "hijack an airplane" objective. There is an airport and there's an airplane. The airplane takes off when the time is up so before it you need to hijack it. There are many ways to enter the airport and a couple of ways to enter the airplane. CT's can guard it outside or inside. If one of the T's manage to get inside the airplanes control room before the time is up, the plane is hijacked.

Well, that's the basic idea, pretty messy but I hope you got the picture. Let me know if you like it. Also, new ideas and suggestions are of course welcome. Note that these weren't the rules, only suggestions.
That would never work. A gang running Counter-Terrorist? :rolling:
It has nothing to do with gangs. It's a Counter-Strike type of a game with different types of missions, vehicles and lots of city action. If you want to check out the whole idea, read it here

It has poll what people think about it. That's the whole idea and this is only a more simple version of it since the whole idea is so complicated that no one would probably make it and only about 1/10 of CS players would have enough skill to play it since political awareness and thinking is also required.
I think I will go jump of a cliff now.

Your idea sucks simple. There is a good reason why people don't make Game + Game modifications. Its because its a bag of shite and people don't want to see it.

After been here for over 1 year this has to be one of the worse posts I have ever seen.
This isn't a game + game mod. This isn't GTA brought to Source engine god damnit! Maybe it's because of my poor english but you guys seem to have problems understanding it.

Think about CS, instead of dust, aztec and other maps, make it to the streets. Basic CS in a city. Now, add the possibility to drive a car. If you think it will turn into a car race then think again. Bullets do go through the sheet metal and won't eat much bullets until the car will explode. As an addition to demolition and hostage rescue objectives add more variation and life to it. And finally add a money system with a bit more depth.

Now, you like or not, that's your opinion. Everyone got their own preferences. But the fact is that this would be very playable.

EDIT: The topics title is misleading as I now realized it myself. It doesn't mix CS and GTA. It just brings the feeling of GTA since things happen in a city and because of the ability to drive cars and that's it.
So, it's CS with cars and city-based maps? As far as I know, CS2 will include vehicles, and there's always the oppertunity to map city levels. Probably not the best of ideas to create another CS clone though - there are loads of them, and the majority of CS players would rather stay playing CS than a CS clone with cars.

And your english is perfect, by the way.

-Angry Lawyer
OK guys, thanks for the replies. I got the point, lets just close this topic down and concentrate on the better ideas :)
Sorry. I wasnt trying to flame you or anything, the idea just seemed questionable. If you could pull this off the way you want it people may like it. My personal opinion is only an opinion, nothing more.