need help finding info on the secret russian town

operative x

Sep 22, 2003
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I remember a thread in the forums that started discussing the real life location of city 17, then someone mention a city in russia that the government completly denied the existence of. Lately i have been thinking about it and have become very interested in researching it but can't remember the name of the "secret city" or the thread it started in for that matter. Can the poster who replied about it give me some info or does anyone remember the post at all??
You mean the one where they piled on the dead bodies? Oh wait it doesn't exist *eyes dart
hahaha, no. The guy who posted about it said they did some kind of "secret research" or something, im clueless :p
JHD536 said:
95% chance of it being total BS.
You see? Their plan is falling right into place. Good job being brainwashed by the ruskies.
HAHAHA there is probably a Burns (from the simpsons) type character in a dark room with a beam of light shining down his face saying "Excellent".
Soru, but i not think it was a real city... sever weer suggested as possibles, bit it has alwas been shon that there were parts from othr scities.
do you believe everything on the interweb 'operative x'
I DO, did u know that there was a man with 6 penis's???


"secret city" my arse
@operative x:

Perhaps you, or whoever you heard it from if you remember correctly, are thinking of the "closed cities" in Soviet Russia and its occupied republics? I.e. cities or parts of cities with restricted access due to their military, scientific or repressive (GULag) importance. Chelyabinsk for example. While it's true that some of the cities in "closed" areas were not to be found on official maps or have publicly listed mailing addresses, their existence was publicly known and openly (as openly as was possible, at least) discussed.

As for the "real life location" of "City 17", it's on your hard drive. It's a frigging computer game! If nothing else, the mix of items, real and made up languages and environments inspired by, more or less loosely based on and borrowed from so many different real-world places should give it away. Well, that and that you're running around shooting aliens and zombies...
It is a well known fact that the USSR had several towns (not cities) that revolved around working on weapons and other technology (which were also secret).
There was a real City 17 in the old Soviet Union, somewhere close to some longitude/latitude numbers that people got from a picture of whiteboard at the Valve offices, one that Valve leaked with those numbers on it, as a kind of test. I forget where all this speculation is, however; it was several months back.

im from russian and i can tell you that the city 17 is russian town in real name Nova Prospektoratzija. Thats the truth,but its like american Area 54 an army baseand its little smaller than city like Lontoo such smaller. If you dont believe me, some where o the net must about this I dont remember where, just search in google or SMTG. :thumbs:

its just cool to live in city that is over Nova :bounce: wheybyeeee
Google showed nothing when I searched for Nova Prospektoratzija(or just Prospektoratzija). I believe this is because there is probably no country with a Slavic language and a town with "nova" or "prospekt" in it, since nova would just be a stupid thing to put in a town's name and "prospekt" is most likely something VALVe got off prospect.
TrevorGrigg said:
It is a well known fact that the USSR had several towns (not cities) that revolved around working on weapons and other technology (which were also secret).
My grandpa was an American born scientist who worked for the USSR. He and a close American friend founded Zelenograd, a small town near Moscow that revolved around advanced technology.

Want more info? Read "Engineering Communism", a book that will come out in Spring 2005.
capteeni said:
im from russian and i can tell you that the city 17 is russian town in real name Nova Prospektoratzija. Thats the truth,but its like american Area 54 an army baseand its little smaller than city like Lontoo such smaller. If you dont believe me, some where o the net must about this I dont remember where, just search in google or SMTG. :thumbs:

its just cool to live in city that is over Nova :bounce: wheybyeeee

that's bullshit
I am also Russian. I think that this is based in some fictional Russian town. How? All of the signs of buildings are in Russian. I have several screenshots of this. And "Nova Prospekt" is not an unusual name. Prospekt in Russia "Prospekt" means an avenue, like a large street or an area. And in Russian Nova means "new". There some towns, like Novgorod(not quite), and some others. I'm pretty sure theres a town that has Nova.

And obviously, city 17 is just a fictional town. Based on Russia, that doesn't exist.
i know that city 17 doesn't exist and that its fictional[roll eyes] Whether [the hidden russain town] existed or not doesn't really matter, it seems like good writing material to me.
lets all be happy and go n with our lives. let the gov't mess around. but let them even bar me from my happiness i will be angry
capteeni said:
im from russian and i can tell you that the city 17 is russian town in real name Nova Prospektoratzija. Thats the truth,but its like american Area 54 an army baseand its little smaller than city like Lontoo such smaller. If you dont believe me, some where o the net must about this I dont remember where, just search in google or SMTG. :thumbs:

its just cool to live in city that is over Nova :bounce: wheybyeeee
Dumb humor.
operative x said:
I remember a thread in the forums that started discussing the real life location of city 17, then someone mention a city in russia that the government completly denied the existence of. Lately i have been thinking about it and have become very interested in researching it but can't remember the name of the "secret city" or the thread it started in for that matter. Can the poster who replied about it give me some info or does anyone remember the post at all??
Ya... I know what you are talking about. The city was a coldwar WMD facility and only people that were involved with the WMD program were allowed to live there. Saw this on the History channel once.
ive been through alot of eastern european cities and this totally reminds me of all of them. after the war many of them were rebuilt using the standard building design set by the russians. any eastern europeans youll know what im talking about. in theory this could be based in poland. lets just say its a town in the former ussr and is a gualgesque town full of repression.
russia did have many secret places where they developed secret stuff. hey man, the americans secretly developed the atom bomb in a squash court.
there IS a city in russia thats existance, until recently, has been denied. i don't remember the name, however.

ironically, the seat of power for the combine is also where the worlds most powerful nuclear explosives were researched and developed.
Russians are not asia.

Stop thinking negative about russians.We are almost humans like all u.
America always want ocupate our land and will start the war with us just take first opportunity.That's why we allway must research new armor and bombs for protect us from evil american people.
In the future i hope we are revenge u for NSDD project which destroy our economy,ugoslavy and north part of USA which were our land in 300 years ago.
Chill out dude!

last_vampire said:
Stop thinking negative about russians.We are almost humans like all u.
America always want ocupate our land and will start the war with us just take first opportunity.That's why we allway must research new armor and bombs for protect us from evil american people.
In the future i hope we are revenge u for NSDD project which destroy our economy,ugoslavy and north part of USA which were our land in 300 years ago.

Last I heard, the Cold War was over and we are now friends... perhaps you did not get the memo.
I am also Russian. I think that this is based in some fictional Russian town. How? All of the signs of buildings are in Russian. I have several screenshots of this. And "Nova Prospekt" is not an unusual name. Prospekt in Russia "Prospekt" means an avenue, like a large street or an area. And in Russian Nova means "new". There some towns, like Novgorod(not quite), and some others. I'm pretty sure theres a town that has Nova.

And obviously, city 17 is just a fictional town. Based on Russia, that doesn't exist.

about that -------------- i think you have no idea of NOTHIKG !

in russia "NEW" means novaja and its NOT Nova its mean nothing
prospekt that true, but you guys seems dont understand me how needed.
in map if you find a city called "Manturovo" over volga look around see very, very nice town you will know it.its begin in N.
American are very agressive country

robini123 said:
Last I heard, the Cold War was over and we are now friends... perhaps you did not get the memo.

Really?Then explain me why american spyplains regularry break our frontier for recheck battle readiness?.
Why USA refused from the "World Antimissile Defense"?.

I know why.American government know about our crashed economy :flame: .We do not have enouth money to live normal life entire europe.We compelled spend our last money for building nuclear weapon to protect from USA(you do not bealive me - read the russian budget).

I just want to tell every body in the USA.Let's live in frandship :cheers: .
Just forget about war with us.We are very smart in battle strategy.You will never win.We were never lossing a wars(just read history of soviet that's why the russia is so large).
See the championaship by counter ctrike - we allway first.
43°08'00"N 132°20'00"E - Those are the cooridinates for Shkotovo-17, if anyone's intrested :|
lol listen to u guys

arguing over this shit still

but u do have the right to be upset russians, hitler caused u a terrible war which caused millions of deaths to your people. and then u were given a cold response from the usa at end of ww2 and it continued upto the end of soviet russia. but u russians must understand . americans are not too agressive , that is not thier entire mentallity. they just fear the unknown sometimes and dont want another superpower to be agressive to them either.
soviet bolshevisim did not do your country any good either it did more harm to your people and economy aswell. but yes america has been too hard on u, they even continue to lecture u to this day. they are also meddeling with affairs in the ukraine at the moment.

but u should be more open to western ideas also, maybe if u learnt something of how americans think (which is not always evil) maybe u would not have them being so hard on u.

lol reading all these posts makes me want to play the soviet anthem on my computer (just kidding)


bear: hey, man where are'ya goin?

lev: i am going outside , i am the only certified astronaut here, i am going outside to try and save your american ass!


The story writer in Valve is Romanian, and City 17 is "theoretically" probably based in Central Europe. In russian, New is Noviy or Novaya, not Nova.

And there are still cities in Russia that have limited access, but there are regular inspections by americans and europeans to these cities, and russian in their turn inspect similar US and EU objects.
Americans were started war with german only after understand that soviet will win in the war.We were can win with not your soldiers.
I agree we last 50 000 000 of people in that war.But we hasn't permition to lose cos in this way we might last all teretory.
Any way now before starting war with us think about vietnam.
All pilots in that war was soviet citizens.And milions of americans didn't win.Maybe becose you can only eat hamburgers:)))
To rule plane you need more brain in the head.
chill everyone, it's not about east vs. west, communism vs. capitalism anymore
it's about BOTH your nations teetering on the edge of fascism and the rest of the world running for cover
Pulsar said:
The story writer in Valve is Romanian, and City 17 is "theoretically" probably based in Central Europe. In russian, New is Noviy or Novaya, not Nova.

The art director is from Bulgaria, but the storywriter (Marc Laidlaw) is American.