Need help getting into the jail, and g-man sighting



Im on the part where you have to take down 2 gunships, but there are only 4 rockets that I can find to pick up. How can I take these things down, or is there somwhere that I should just be running to get away from these things.

And i think i saw the g-man by the dam from the observation point when you have the air boat thing right after you beat the chopper that drops large amounts of mines. Almost shot the guy but ran to get closer but he went around the corner and was gone. There was nowhere to go either around the corner, I was baffeled.
that is G-Man, and you have to run around for a bit to find more rockets. in the other houses there should be more. and load if they shoot down some rockets.
the reason I know it's g-man is because i loaded and zoomed up on him. blue suit, black with greying hair, and his trusty old briefcase.
Yeah i thought it was him, cause i did the little zoom you get with pressing z, and i saw a brief case.
Anywhere you find big enemies where it is required to destroy them to pass on, there should be a box of unlimited rockets somewhere on the map. You just have to look closely enough.
Yeah i found the large box, could not belive I couldnt find that thing. Man those big ant things take forever to kill in the jail.
Ricter said:
Yeah i found the large box, could not belive I couldnt find that thing. Man those big ant things take forever to kill in the jail.


You're not supposed to kill the ant lions, you're supposed to command them! Or do you mean the giant ones?

Anyway, you won't find enough rockets to take down the gunships until you get to the wall that gets breached... there's a box up there. I'm sure you found it...
Keep moving- there will be an inifinite rocket ammo case.
I think I know where you are. I think this is the end of Sandtraps he is talking about. In the room where you killed the Combines, there should be 1 rocket. Go outside again & run up the stairs, turn right, & the infinite rocket case should be there :thumbs: .
That was the hardest part of the game IMO even with the unlimited ammo rockets. Unless there is some trick I don't know about.
it wasnt hard at all.. all you needed to worry about was shooting those gunships since the combine soldiers are too busy shooting the antlions..
It was really simple that part for me, loads of cover around.

In fact it was my favourite bit, the assault on nova prospekt!
I found it a little difficult. Didn't take me more than 10 minutes to complete though.
What did you guys find hard about it? I only found it difficult when I was trying to shoot everything at once. Besides that, what I did was basically throw pherapods everywhere, except that first room... smash a window and throw a grenade... that's fun. :) But the hardest part about that area is trying to take on everyone on your own. Let the ant lions take out the soldiers, and use the infinite rocket case when the gunships show up.