Need help in fixing HL2 SP


Sep 21, 2003
Reaction score
Hi all,

I can't find a proper thread dealing with this, but I know this has been posted before.

After installing HL2 Deathmatch, I am now unable to run the single player aspect of HL2.

Is there any known fix for this or am I screwed until a patch comes out? ;(

Don't tell me if I kept HL2 updated, blah blah blah. I set my Steam to automatically update whenever possible. Trolls are not welcome.
Oh, in case you're wondering, it gives me that launcher.dll error. Please help! ;(
ranmafan said:
Oh, in case you're wondering, it gives me that launcher.dll error. Please help! ;(

I had that, just delete the folder with your name in steamapps, hope it works.
I just found another way to fix it.

Copy all the .dll files from the hl2/bin folder into the hl2 folder. It was on the Steam Forums.

:D This is for those who get the same error now.