Need Help Please!


May 24, 2009
Reaction score
I have been trying to play zombie panic for a while because i have played it many a time at my friend's house and i love the gameplay. I found the free version of HL2: Deathmatch on the internet but it did not let me play zombie panic because sadly the free version does not have source sdk, and as ZP needs source sdk to play it.... im out of luck. My parents say that they do not trust the steam company because they think that it wont deliver the game to me or somthing retarded like that. I have tried to persuade them that its only a measly $5 to get HL: DM then ZP would be free but they are adamant in their decision. I have posted on this forum to ask that if anyone out there has an extra HL2M copy that they dont need (or any other game that has source sdk), if they would give it to me. Its fine if you wont give to me, i just love Zombie panic and the other HL2 mods and i figured its worth a shot. If you will give to me then you can email me at "[email protected]" or contact me at my profile on steam witch is "bmairmage" without the "". Thank you.
