need help real bad!!!



highway 17 in the dune buggy car thing and i now looking at a bridge with a blue force field in my way???also behind me is a cave with a force field i got to the inards of the bridge and think i did everything..blown up chopper...tuned off switch and board says now bridge what do i do ? thanks ..

......still stuck...reloaded from start of route 17 and still stuck ...the only difference is beginning of bridge light is now green instead of red ...where are you spose to go after this level ?the cave i thought had a blue shield in front of it but now its filled in?im totally dumb i sposed to back track ,cross the bridge or go through cave? also you know in the control room where you unplug the shield you plug it all ba ck in ?
Take your buggy across the out for the train on the clr tracks. I had to reverse and let the train go by.
catman25 said:
im totally dumb i sposed to back track ,cross the bridge or go through cave? also you know in the control room where you unplug the shield you plug it all ba ck in ?

I'm assuming you mean the cave on the far side of the bridge (the one from which the train exits)? If you can go through the tunnel, look around and see if you can drive your buggy elsewhere.
How do you set the turbo button on the buggy car thing? I can't get over the first jump right after you get the car because I don't know how to use the turbo. Thanks to anyone who answers this.
Alcinous said:
How do you set the turbo button on the buggy car thing? I can't get over the first jump right after you get the car because I don't know how to use the turbo. Thanks to anyone who answers this.

Default is the Shift key.
Thanks cybojorg. I thought I tried pushing shift but I may not have.
Well I got back on and tried shift but it didn't work. It's still saying that my turbo key is not bound. I don't know how to set the turbo key so if anyone does then please let me know. Thanks.