need help water damage



i am presently being shot at by gunship i opened the gates were the 2 guards were shot down 2 gunships with turrets in tower went into the water passed 2 wrecks,ships and am pinned down at a hill when you turn left i see in the distance some type of refinery. any way to shoot down the gunship ??????????
With the gunships it's either shoot them or outrun them. If you have a gun on your boat use it, if not.. haul ass
EDIT: BTW welcome to the forums
frank1969 said:
problem is i dont have the boat anymore
That's not good. You're supposed to have the boat with you all the way to Black Mesa East
Some people don't seem to like it, but I thought the vehicles were fine.
This is at least the 20th post asking how to kill the helicopter and then we tell them and they say "Oh I don't have the airboat anymore". At LEAST the 20th! I just don't understand how that happens.
How dumb do they think VALVe are, they give you miles and miles of boring water and they expect you to swim? That would take a looooong time. The water in HL2 is beatiful, but it's not THAT interesting.
I might go back to Water Hazard and blatently forget the airboat. Just to see how intresting the walk is. And how much health I'll lose.
This and the fact that people thought the cat joke in Red Letter Day meant something much more are the two things that surprised me the most about HL2.
NJspeed said:
This is at least the 20th post asking how to kill the helicopter and then we tell them and they say "Oh I don't have the airboat anymore". At LEAST the 20th! I just don't understand how that happens.

Statistically speaking, half the people on this site (or anywhere, for that matter) should be below average intellegence. I consider it a good sign that there have been only twenty or so threads featuring such astounding stupidity. :thumbs:
Actauly average intelegence is defined as anywhere from 75% to 25% with 50% being the intelegence mean.

So 75% of the people here are average.