need help with breakable glass and door


Nov 21, 2004
Reaction score
for CS:S map i'm working on.

what I want: glass that doesn't break easy. and takes about 100 rounds from the machine gun to shatter it. all methods employ results in glass breakage either too long or too short... but not just right

what I did: messed with func_breakable and func_breakable_surface used everything from prop damage Metal to wood and everything in between. messed with the strength of all of them, but same type props still seem to break about the same (i.e. Wood:Huge with strength of 500000 and wooden:huge strength of 1 all damage about the same; while metal light and plastic light will not damage at all with all strength settings.).

as far as what I am looking for the door is, a wooden structure that can be shot through, but will not break at all. (havn't messed with this one yet, as i've spent all day experimenting with the glass and googling). bah i did somthing like this in a RVS map i've made but hammer stumps me here.

thanks for the help in advance.
"prop thingy: wood huge for example gives the object the strange as something huge made of wood, and overrides the strength...

...change that to "normal" (or what it's called)
and change the strength to 1000


func_breakable ->
prop data: none
strength: 1000
material type: glass
that didn't work to good either. but I found out how to do it.

Weird side effect??? I am shooting at the glass and it doesn't break right away, but the shots are going through the glass??? it looks like its going through, so I set up some objects behind the glass and sure enough the glass doesn't break but bullet rounds are firing through weird
Bossanova said:
that didn't work to good either. but I found out how to do it.

Weird side effect??? I am shooting at the glass and it doesn't break right away, but the shots are going through the glass??? it looks like its going through, so I set up some objects behind the glass and sure enough the glass doesn't break but bullet rounds are firing through weird

If the wall is thin enough bullets go through
Figge, Tell us how u did it and exactly how u solved the problem. Glass is filled with trouble so any reference is good.
1. Create brush (put a glass texture on it (if you want ;P ))
2. Tie to etenity
3. make it a func_breakable
4. prop data: none
5. strength: 1000
6. material type: glass

done :angel: