need help with ep1 title screen crash



I just bought the half-life 2 episode pack yesterday and i went ahead to install episode one. ive been very anxious to play this game but when i start it up i have a problem. the little intro works fine but when it gets to the title screen it shows the background for a split second then my screen goes completely black, and my cursor shows that its loading...and after a minute it justs closes, with no error messages or nothing(episode 2 does the same but with hl2.exe has encountered....). ive tried opening up task manager and running it in a window and i see that it simply just stops responding...i don't get it. Please if you have any clue that can help me with this id very much appreciate it. Ive already tried a couple of fixes such as verifying the integrity of the cache and moving files from the "bin" folder out into where the hl2.exe file is but nothing works. My half-life 2 game works great so i dont see why these shouldn't.:|

My system:
pentium 4 cpu 2.53ghz
512 MB of ram
ati radeon 9500pro/ 9700
windows xp home edition

anything else you need to know just ask

thnx ahead of time in case you help me out
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Bizarre. Umm, mabye try getting professional help, like from a computer store? Because that's weird.