Need help with History project


Nov 1, 2004
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So im doing this history project about "projectile weapons" (Guns in other words). Im doing it in a documentary form, with pictures and videos and me talking.

The production is great so far but i have one thing missing. Some kind of ambient background music, nothing loud that will interfear with me speaking or confuse the watcher. Just some normal low volume chill ambient song that i can have in the background instead of a silent void.

Remember it cant be anything that i have to buy, only freeware cuz i dont want to be thrown out of school cuz i used pirated stuff in my schoolwork.

So basically you want someone to make something for you...
So im doing this history project about "projectile weapons" (Guns in other words). Im doing it in a documentary form, with pictures and videos and me talking.

The production is great so far but i have one thing missing. Some kind of ambient background music, nothing loud that will interfear with me speaking or confuse the watcher. Just some normal low volume chill ambient song that i can have in the background instead of a silent void.

Remember it cant be anything that i have to buy, only freeware cuz i dont want to be thrown out of school cuz i used pirated stuff in my schoolwork.


why can't it be from a cd you "own"?
I was about to say, you could just say you own it and put it in the 'bibliography' that it's copyrighted. If you do that, then I suggest some of Aphex Twin's ambient stuff, it's really good.
Or get some of those brain sync audios with "you are a great person" etc in them, and play that. Then people will feel good coming out of your thing, and be like "omg that was aaawesome!"
Falkner's Ride of the Valkries. I'm sure it's public domain now. Remix it so that it starts out really quiet, and then at the end up of your presentation when it shows whatever the ultimate state of projectile weapons are it starts booming really loud.

"I love the smell of napalm in the morning"