Need Help With RCONs



hi guys recently i rented a sever and just added come mp and sv settings.
i have 1 question... how do i change my rcon_password? do i change it by editing my config.cfg file in my sever?
and i use this sever renting company called fragnetics, and the file transfer method is by FTP... some txt files that contain a list of banned players are executed in my config.cfg file... however, they are not listed in my direct FTP site... do you know how i can retreive it?
i dunno if you understand what im saying but here if you could help... it would be appreciated...


As far as i remember from when i had a server in 1.6 a while back, you did change the rcon_password in the Server Config, i cannot remember the exact command, but it might have changd for CSS :S
Its in the server.cfg. There is a line saying rcon_password <password>, just edit that. The Server.cfg is in the cfg folder on your ftp.