Need Help

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I'm the team leader for Animosity. I really need some more members, most importantly a web designer- anyone who can make a decent website with pictures and the like. From there everyone can see what it's about and spots open on the team.
Let's see... Where to start.
I'll try to break down the first part of the story.
This is it kind of:

You are a sad young man. Your wife has just recently died and you are a mess. You break all ties with the outside world and move to a heavily wooded area of Japan in the middle if nowhere. Over time you hear about a massive war about to break in the Americas. You pay little attention even though everyone he knows is in that region.
When that war breaks out, your already ruined life is made even worse over the fact that you have no idea if anyone you have known or loved is even alive anymore. When the war begins to get serious you are drafted due to an agreement Japan signs with the CAEC( The army you fight for.)
When you arive for basic training in Brasil you meet the love of your life: She looks like your old wife, acts like her, and later on you will find out, it is her. BUT THAT'S ALL GONNA BE EXPLAINED LATER.
Anyway you fight the war blah, blah, blah...
During the war you get knocked into a coma and wake up in an unknown place at an unknown time. You are given a second chance to start over your life. But the TITANS aren' too happy about that.
This part is where the game REALLY begins.
The place you're in is somewhere in space.

This TC is going to be very free form. A do anything world from my and only my imagination. It's also not going to be very all-out killing action. Character relationships can be formed with everyone. Hopefully that will make the player more guilty about killing innocents than before.

If you need me to clear up any details on characters and the Titans I will. That's the main reason I need a website for this.

I currently have 1 mapper(me), 1 skinner(me), 2 modelers, and one of the modelers tells me that the other team I am on might help.
One of my friends is learning how to program and can already do websites but isn't feeling up to it.
There are a LOT of more details I will elaborate on but not right now.

Here are some other little notes:
-The war on Earth has a different outlook on war: A sadder one. One that shows what really goes on. Hopefully that will make this more human and not like a machine as in other games and mods.
-The starting year is 2020.
-You play as a very rich man.
-There are 5 Titans.
-There will be many references to many evil and holy things. Such as the Saints and Overlords.
-Satan looks like cheese compared to the evil of the Titans.
-There will be offworld travel. Spaceships can be used to go between planets and such. Cars and things like them will be used for onworld travel.
-The view is always on the character you play as. No movies or any will be in it.
-Hopefully there will be many cool moves you and NPCs can do.

That's it for now! I hope this interests some people.
Wow, sounds like some kick-ass story, but that sounds like it's gonna take a very long time to complete.
Sooo.... Is anyone interested?

Has anyone even read this yet?