Need Help


Jul 3, 2003
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I've been scrolling through this forum and I have to say some of the stuff you guys make is just amazing. Well what I need help with is making my own pictures. I'm looking for something that could be the background for a website. But theres only one problem I don't have PhotoShop, which I think is what I need to make something. What I do have is PhotoStudio. I don't know what the difference is. Am I able to make good quality pictures with this too? I was searching the forum and didn't find one tutorial for it so I was wondering if someone could help me get straightened out so I can start making some good pictures.
Isn't photostudio a cut down version of PS? should be able to do something with it.. Or you could get Paint Shop Pro, which is free for 30 days or something. I don't like it personally, but it should serve your purposes.. There's lots of free stuff out there, gimp is another one
Anyone know any tuts for PhotoStudio because I know nothing and its like me playing on MSPaint right now.
What kinda pictures are you wanting to make?

I've got photoshop 6 and a really big book on how to use everything in it. Now all i need it TIME!
Fenric not one of those worked :/ I can't find any.