Need Intresting Story



Hello. Some of my friends and i have recently entered in a film festival. We decided to make a short 30 to 40 min Movie about an intresting story. We have all the equipment: Profesional camaras, lights, a few talented actors, all the editing software and especial effects. But we do have a small budget (around $1,500 for extras). Now what i need is a very intresting Story. I am not likeing anything , or some of the things some of my frieds are sugesting. So i was wondering if anyone here has a very intresting story they would like to share and possibly see it come to life through a short movie. You will obviusly get Credited for it. If anyone has one please post it here. Remember we have restrictions with our budget and locations.
Thanks for you time.
Hmm. Go for a cheap horror film, involving Ouija boards. Trust, you can do most of the craziness using just fishing line attached to objects.

Do you want a whole story, or just a synopsis?

-Angry Lawyer
Ouija boards are evil. Evil I say!
Angry Lawyer said:
Hmm. Go for a cheap horror film, involving Ouija boards. Trust, you can do most of the craziness using just fishing line attached to objects.

Do you want a whole story, or just a synopsis?

-Angry Lawyer


I just need something good.
Make a porno. You could get a whole lotta hookers with $1500.
Don't pay attention to what Lost says. No one does.
Well, I was once an aspiring writer, so I'll go and improvise something.
*Has a brainstorm*

Back in the day, I had this book on myths and crap about monsters and aliens. One story always peaked my interest - "The Mad Gasser of Mattoon"

I just googled it, and came up with this:

So, basically, what you need to do is make a story inspired by this urban legend, involving a group of young adults out to find out more about these weird occurances, and are slowly picked off/murdered by some crazy guy with a gas mask and nerve gas. Could make for some frightening cinematography.

-Angry Lawyer
The Dark Elf said:
zombie film! zombie film!!!!

You have no credibility here, given your current project.

ding ding...
A movie about a guy who askes on a forum for a story for a movie and then gets replied with making a film about someone asking for a story on a forum.


a dude meets a girl over the net (live in different countrys) dudes goes trough all kinda shit adventure thingys to try and meet the girl he loves. (they all die by flesh eating zombies at the end).
It needs zombies, or pirates. Or zombie pirates. Wouldn't that be scary? Being trapped on a boat with zombies? I mean, being trapped on a boat with pirates is bad enough, but..
Chav said:
a dude meets a girl over the net (live in different countrys) dudes goes trough all kinda shit adventure thingys to try and meet the girl he loves. (they all die by flesh eating zombies at the end).
It's called Eurotrip...but that lacks teh zombies... :(
the key to a short movie is not to try to think up a good story, try to come up with a single idea or a message that you want to convey.
Lions, tigers, and bears oh-my!

We're off to see the wizard...the wonderful wizard of oz...
Here it is:

Zombie Ninjas.

Now go. Quickly. I want it.
Make a film about Garfield and his woman hassles. That'd be comedic gold.

-Angry Lawyer
SHIPPI said:
That would suck. They'd do one backflip and fall apart :rolleyes:
Not if they were fresh! I didn't say MUMMY ninjas. Pfft.
Steve_O said:
Here it is:

Zombie Ninjas.

Now go. Quickly. I want it.
I just want to say our avatars ****ing pwn.
****ing right, dude. I mean, ****. ****ing seriously. ****.
Aaaalright, back on topic. *prods Steve and tr0n with banstick*

I'm sure you can come up with something interesting you all agree on, just talk about it with everyone and see what kind of story they want to go for
jimbo118 said:
omg avatar confusion. :rolling:
You was right steve! :LOL: a movie about something sexual...that usually gets some attention. :naughty:
I'm telling you, dude. Zombie ninjas. I'd say zombie pirates, but that's already been done. And look how it turned out! Everybody loved that movie. Seriously. You can't lose. Zombie ninjas. They'd be all like "Hiya! Braaaaaains!"
SHIPPI said:
Aaaalright, back on topic. likey proddy. Okay, not really.
Steve_O said:
I'm telling you, dude. Zombie ninjas. I'd say zombie pirates, but that's already been done. And look how it turned out! Everybody loved that movie. Seriously. You can't lose. Zombie ninjas. They'd be all like "Hiya! Braaaaaains!"

Wait, zombie pirates has been done? ... oh, pirates of the caribbean, right? I never did see that movie..

And I agree, a zombie ninja film would rock
SHIPPI said:
Wait, zombie pirates has been done? ... oh, pirates of the caribbean, right? I never did see that movie..
You need to see it. Johnny Depp didn't get an Oscar nomination for nothing. Worth it to see it for his performance alone.
Ninjas versus zombie pirates.

If I was you, I wouldn't do a horror film, it would probably be the same as every other inde horror flick...
Think of a peculiar idea, and go for that. Don't ask me what though, all I can think about is chocolate milk, weight lifting and Florida.
Maybe you could get something from that... It'd be original at least.
Farrowlesparrow said:
Don't ask me what though, all I can think about is chocolate milk, weight lifting and Florida.
Maybe you could get something from that... It'd be original at least.
There it is. Bodybuilders in Florida who use jugs of chocolate milk for weights. You've got your movie. Now go.
I swear Tr0n and Steve_0 are the same person.

As for your story, you can make one about a time travelling ghost called Casper....better call it Jasper to avoid copyright.

Even better, you can call it Bastard, the time travelling ghost who wants to mess up the future by changing the past.

Yeah, my story sucks...
Negative...we are very different...yet very similar...yet different again.
Goddamn it. Why does everybody forget the dragons? Dragons are badass, like Trogdor. And that dragon from Dragonheart who was voiced by Sean Connery or something. Sean Connery kick ass. He was James Bond and James Bond kicks ass.
Ok, I hav got da best muvie eva!

'Chav's, when all the rest fails !'
Pi Mu Rho said:
You have no credibility here, given your current project.

ding ding...

I am really looking foward to ninja wizards with bears!

Make a movie about one nerd, who is being harrased by a big pile of chavs, then he snaps, and beats all the chavs in a really cool way, like with a big rubber band, or a picture of big daddy.

He also says things like "You can Chav it up your dole-funded ass!" he also smokes, and wears shades for some reason.
Shodan said:
then he snaps, and beats all the chavs in a really cool way, like with a big rubber band, or a picture of big daddy.

Christ, man, how does one beat someone up with a big rubber band? I can't quite fathom it. It'd make cool cinema, though.

-Angry Lawyer
Angry Lawyer said:
Christ, man, how does one beat someone up with a big rubber band? I can't quite fathom it. It'd make cool cinema, though.

-Angry Lawyer

He pings it at their eyes.
How bout a story about how you are running away from zombies and light something on fire,