Need lights.rad badly!!!

Mr. Waffles

Aug 6, 2005
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ok, so with the map im making, i'm tyring to put in light_environment, but it freezes in the compile window, saying Cannot locate lights.rad in lights.rad, and it says where it usually is, but i cant find it, i need help with someone attaching there's to a post, so i can use it..if you can, i would appreciate it greatly.

Irrelevant. Likely cause is that RAD is going slowly, not freezing.
no, it said that it cant find it, it isnt there..and yes, it does freeze, i have to ctrl-alt-delete out of it...
The compiler is never supposed to freeze, and the fact that you must forcibly end it is no indication that it has stopped running--indeed, it actually assists in showing my point that RAD is probably working too much to respond to Windows :P

Lights.rad is irrelevant because RAD does not now, has never, and will never need it to perform lighting calculations.
waffles, some heftier maps can take several hours to compile. several dozen hours.
And crap, pooly designed maps that aren't occluding properly, and using world brushes instead of entity brushes in the wrong places, will take weeks to compile. And still look like ass.

-Angry Lawyer
Raeven0 said:
Lights.rad is irrelevant because RAD does not now, has never, and will never need it to perform lighting calculations.

Not strictly true - I still use some texture lighting that uses lights.rad in the compile process. Unless Valve removed it completely and I've just been fooling myself.
Pi Mu Rho said:
Not strictly true - I still use some texture lighting that uses lights.rad in the compile process. Unless Valve removed it completely and I've just been fooling myself.
Sure, if your map relies entirely on texture lights, you'd need the lights.rad--most people have never heard of them (in Source), and for good reason: they aren't very good... (Goldsource texlights were much better. Much better. We just need a competent RAD coder to mimic the Goldsource texlight system.)

But, the point I wanted to convey was that RAD will not cease to run just because it doesn't find lights.rad ;)
Oh, absolutely. At the very least, it would fail to run, not plod along using 100% of your CPU :)
O.o i just put in 1 light and it takes forever and freezes.. lol it worked for me before on my old computer that is worse than this one, and i put in like 500 lights lol