Need Orange Box Phong help


May 23, 2008
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Alrighty, so long story short, friend and I are making a mod that's going to be relatively stylized similar to how TF2 is but not quite, and we decided to give the Phong stuff a try, and well. I noticed rim lighting works fine in our mod, however, $lightwarptexture isn't affecting our models. I thought maybe it's because I don't have HDR enabled, and tried enabling it, still the same result. So then I threw the TF2 Heavy Fists' into the game to see maybe I'm doing something wrong, but again, $lightwarptexture isn't working.

Examples, first two are from our mod, second two are screenshots in TF2 just for reference so you don't have to open up the game.

:V It's really bizarre because rim lighting and phong fresnal works fine, but not lightwarptexture.

I'm a moron. -_-;; my environment light was pointing upwards.

woohoo. Fixed.

I apologize for a double post, but I can't seem to find the edit button -_-

It works! ... Wait, no it doesn't.

I don't understand this I've spent over three hours compiling different things, and I've come to the conclusion that I don't freaking get what I might be doing wrong!

This screenshot shows two models, a leafy cluster, and a test model (trunk wasn't working either) with a leaf cluster to show if phong is working. Both compiled with a QC identical to this, names changed per model:

$cd "D:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\bashh\sourcesdk_content\IJHMR\modelsrc\"
$cdmaterials ""
$modelname "maps\paradise\tree_mid_crown_2"
$scale 1
$body "Body" newcrown.smd

$sequence idle "newcrown.smd" fps 30

$surfaceprop "wood"

both with a flat green texture with this as a VMT:

	"$basetexture" "green"
	"$bumpmap" "green"
	"$model" 1
	"$basemapalphaphongmask" "1"
	"$phong" "1"
	"$phongexponent" "1"
	"$phongboost" ".1"	
	"$lightwarptexture" "lightwarp_6"
	"$phongfresnelranges"	"[0.2 1 .2]"
	"$halflambert" "0"
	"$phongalbedotint" "0"

	// Rim lighting parameters
	"$rimlight" "1"			// To enable rim lighting (requires phong)
	"$rimlightexponent" "4"		// Exponent for phong component of rim lighting	
	"$rimlightboost" "2"

Both entities are prop_dynamic with no changes besides the model it's calling.

Here's the kicker, if I compile the leafy brushes as the name of the trunk model, phong works. If I compile anything else, it doesn't. :\


And just so you know it's not the rimlighting that's doing it:

Have you tried They might be able to help you with your issue.
Shouldnt this be moved to the coding section?

technically it's a mapping issue.

and I did fix it already, I thank you guys though. Yeah tried interlopers too they didn't respond till after i fixed it as well
Then why post it in models and skins?
he didn't knew that it was an map issue.
it were the models that did weird so then you think.. something wrong with my model ??

read and think before you post.. :sleep:
Then why post it in models and skins?

because as my post states, and the forum I posted it in implies, I thought it was a model issue. I didn't realize it was a mapping issue until I posted this and continued to test theories out.